Tripping the Rift

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Television series
German title Tripping the Rift - evil, horny and extraterrestrial
Original title Tripping the Rift
Country of production CanadaCanada Canada
original language English
Year (s) 2004-2007
length 21 minutes
Episodes 39 in 3 seasons
genre Animated film , science fiction , sitcom
idea Chris Moeller
Chuck Austen
First broadcast March 4, 2004 ( USA ) on Syfy
first broadcast
March 20, 2009 on DMAX

Tripping the Rift is an animated science fiction - series , originally in the animated short film Love and Darph based Chris Moeller and Chuck Austen. This six minute short film was released on the Internet in 2000 . A short teaser for the planned second episode has appeared, but the episode itself has not yet been released.

The idea of ​​the short film was then taken up by the American SciFi channel . In March 2004, the first episode of the series was broadcast in the United States . There are three seasons with 13 episodes each. In addition to the US, the series also ran on TV in the UK and France . The series has been broadcast on DMAX since March 20, 2009 .

Due to their sometimes quite vulgar and morbid humor, Tripping the Rift is designed for an adult audience and is marketed accordingly. The concept of the series is humorous science fiction , which prefers to use elements from well-known legends such as Star Trek and Star Wars , but also contains numerous allusions to other films and series.


  • Chode has three eyes, is small and purple, has four tentacles on his head and is the captain of the smuggler ship Jupiter 42 . The name of the ship is a nod to the Robinsons' ship Jupiter II from Lost in Space , the number is from The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy and it's the answer to life, the universe and all the rest. Chode isn't particularly intelligent and stuff well as always sexually aroused. Most of the time he puts his monetary and sexual needs above the needs of the crew.
  • Six of Nine (short for Six) (in the pilot / short film as 'Six of One' in the credits) is Chode's sex slave, the hottest, sexiest, most advanced android ever made (variously incorrectly referred to as a cyborg). Her programming allows her to simulate over 2000 different orgasms in over 600 languages. She also serves as a science officer on the ship. The name Six of Nine (One) comes from Seven of Nine , a character from Star Trek: Voyager and is an allusion to the erotic position '69' . In the short film she was voiced by Terry Farrell , known from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine , in the first season Gina Gershon and from the second season Carmen Electra voiced the role.
  • T'Nuk is the pilot of the Jupiter 42 . She has three breasts, four legs, an enormous libido and curses every sailor on the wall. It is ugly like the night, but convinced of its beauty. The name with the apostrophized T 'is an allusion to the naming of many Vulcans and Klingons in the Star Trek series and films.
  • Whip: The green-skinned slacker, like his uncle Chode, abhors any form of work, but has three fixed goals in life: firstly, he never wants to go home to his girlfriend and his job, secondly, he wants to try every beer there is in the universe and thirdly, he really wants to have sex with Six.
  • Gus is a robot slave. He is more intelligent than most living things, but as a robot he has no rights, which continuously affects his mood. He shows obvious homosexual tendencies, but doesn't stand by them. He usually comments on Chode's mostly questionable decisions and commands with a good dose of cynicism , but ultimately carries them out, which is reminiscent of the manic, depressive android Marvin from The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy . His tall figure and gold-colored exterior are strongly reminiscent of C3PO from the Star Wars series, in the opening credits of the series you can see him with a small, blue and white vacuum cleaner, which is C3PO's loyal companion R2D2 .
  • Bob is the artificial intelligence of Jupiter 42 . He suffers from agoraphobia (in English "fear of space", which is used here as ambiguity to space and space, both English space) and often gets panic attacks , usually at the most inopportune times. Only T'Nuk's insults can calm him down.
  • Darph Bobo , the evil leader of the dark clowns, is the main villain of the series and wants to usurp the power of the universe. Both his first name and clothing are from Star Wars Darth Vader , his preferred melee weapon is a lightsaber, and his subordinates are dressed like stormtroopers .

Episode guide

1st season

  • 1. God help us!

Captain Chode and flight engineer Gus accidentally kill God while on a charter flight back to the origin of time. Back in the present, the two realize: The world without God is an absolute nightmare. A crazy plan, which of course includes a few paradoxical time travel phenomena, is needed.

  • 2. Sport is murder

Kidnapping the Mutilation Ball League superstar from his retirement and getting him to play one last game against the Dark Clowns is no easy task. And when there is an unexpected fatality off the field, things get really tight for the crew around Captain Chode. The Confederation finally expects victory.

  • 3. Miss Galaxy 5000

Captain Chode registers the Android Six of Nine in a beauty competition to collect the prize money. However, the villain Darph Bobo is also after the money and sends his daughter Babette into the duel, which of course is not fought without cunning and trickery ...

  • 4. Live and let live

A mysterious anonymous mission leads the captain and his crew to the planet Kubrickia: They are supposed to deliver a gigantic monolith there. However, it quickly becomes clear that behind the story is Darph Bobo, who wants to enslave and exploit the people there. Six convinces Chode that something must be done about it.

  • 5. Filthchode Chode

To get an urgently needed spare part, the crew of the Jupiter 42 has to land on a real nightmare planet: Snoozle, the not only morally cleanest world in the known universe. What must happen happens, Chode is finally sentenced to death and a way out has to be found.

  • 6. Planet Florida 7

Somehow, the daredevil Chode gets into these situations again and again: In order to experience the spring break party there, he decides to visit the planet Florida 7 without realizing that the police are looking for him there. The crew is going to jail right away and there is only one way to get out. It leads through political intrigues on the occasion of the planetary elections taking place and turns out to be pretty crazy ...

  • 7. Error in the system

The reliable flight engineer Gus is called back by his manufacturer and replaced by a futuristic replacement robot, which turns out to be a bad trap to take over the world and to make matters worse, Captain Chode's rather exhausting grandfather Benito also comes to visit.

  • 8. A twin seldom comes alone

On the run from an attack by the dark clowns, the crew ends up on the planet Moldavia 5, where King Philbrick rules. Surprisingly, it turns out: Chode and the ruler of the planet are twin brothers who were separated at birth. It is absolutely clear that there must of course be a role reversal.

  • 9. Peace, joy, puff cake

An emergency landing as a result of a failure in the control element of Bob, the artificial intelligence of Jupiter 42, leads to Harmonia 7, probably the safest planet in the universe. The search for the spare part turns out to be more difficult than expected, especially since the last of the money is stolen from a few preschool children. The head of government himself seems to be the last resort for Chode and Co. But he has his own problems that have to be solved first.

  • 10. Strategic love

When Chode hears that the intergalactic peace prize has just been endowed with one million, he forges a crazy plan that involves coupling Darph Bobo's daughter with the son of Commander Adam. As expected, the plan works, but better than expected.

  • 11. Pact with the devil

The computer Bob has a brief misfire and the Jupiter 42 is on a collision course with a black hole! A pact with the devil seems to be the only solution, but the devil actually demands something in return and cannot be rejected. The only thing that can help is legal proceedings to get out of the contract.

  • 12. The emasculation of the Chode

The main villain Darph Bobo seems to have reached the goal of all of his sinister plans: He kidnaps the helpless flight assistant Whip and lures Captain Chode into an ambush. A lightsaber duel not only results in the loss of a purple tentacle, but also in a loss of libido - worrying. The severed tentacle has to be restored.

  • 13. Robot love

While visiting a strip club, the beautiful Six meets an old lover again: With the sex droid Ten she escaped from the slavery of the dark clowns. The two run away with each other quickly and the angry Chode needs a replacement: He believes he has found the cheerleader Angel, but she turns out to be far from as willing as his former playmate Six.

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