Trixi Haberlander

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Trixi Haberlander (* 1952 in Traunstein ; † January 10, 2005 in Munich ) was a German painter , art teacher and children's book author .


Haberlander studied art and education in Munich. After her legal clerkship, she worked as an art teacher. From 1990 on she worked as a freelance speaker in teacher training and as a lecturer at various educational institutions.

As a painter, she created acrylic and tempera pictures . She had her first solo exhibition in 1980. This was followed by solo and group exhibitions and painting symposia. In 1987 she founded the School of Imagination in Traunstein together with Rudolf Seitz , and in 1994 the art workshop Grenzenlos .

Together with Monika Teuchert, she created the murals for the Church of St. Ulrich in the Laim district of Munich . She also emerged as an author and illustrator of children's books .

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