Tullio Cima

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Tullio Cima (born August 11, 1595 in Ronciglione , † 1678 in Vetralla ) was an Italian notary , conductor and composer .


Tullio Cima, son of the accademico universitario Lorenzo Cima, was already living with his younger brother in Rome at the age of 10, where both were putto in the Cappella Pia at the Lateran Basilica . Until the end of 1612, when his voice broke, Cima received music lessons from Kapellmeister Abundio Antonellis (around 1575; until around 1629). In 1615 he obtained a doctorate in law as a juris utriusque and a notary's license. In 1625 he was briefly conductor at the Seminario Romano and at the Jesuit church Il Gesù . Tullio Cima applied unsuccessfully for several Kapellmeister posts and instead worked as a notary in Ronciglione and Vetralla. In 1621 he married Giulia Fantozzini, who also came from a family of lawyers. Due to the fact that his notary's protocols from 1621 to 1670 are preserved in the Viterbo State Archives , Cima's living conditions are better documented than those of most composers of the 17th century. Cima held numerous government offices in the service of various ducal families and the Apostolic Chamber . In one of his last minutes there is a list of his printed works, with the exception of the Honesta ricreatione musicale published in 1674 . His prints were mostly financed by dedicatees, in some cases by Cima himself.


Tullio Cima's first known composition, the motet Benedicta et venerabilis es Virgo Maria , appeared in the fourth book of motets by Domenico Massenzio in 1616 . In addition to various handwritten psalm settings, a Magnificat, litanies , madrigals and the Missa Farnese Cimas, the following appeared in print:

  • Sacrae cantiones con una & magnificat, litaniis, liber primus (Rome, 1621)
  • Motecta liber secundum (Rome, 1625)
  • Motecta liber tertius (Rome, 1629)
  • Li Salmi musicale dedicati al Sig. Card. Pier Maria Borghese (Rome, 1629) missing
  • Salmi per il vespro e dui Magnificat a quatro voci opera quinta (Rome, 1636)
  • Sacrarum modulationum 'liber quartus (Rome, 1648)
  • Ecclesiasticae modulationes in hoc, liber quinto (Rome, 1656)
  • Vespertina psalmodia, missa et litanie Beate Mariae Virginis, opus septimum (Rome, 1673)
  • Honesta ricreatione musicale (Rome, 1674) missing
  • Sacrae modulationes ecclesiasticum opus octavum (Rome, 1675)
  • Various motets, 1616, 1642, 1643, 1646

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Alberto Iesuè: entry in the Dictionnaire Biografico degli Italiani - Volume 25 (1981)
  2. ^ MGG : Volume 4, columns 1123-1125.
  3. Jerome Roche and Rodobaldo Tibaldi: Cima. In: Grove Music Online .