Txomin pills

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Txomin Peillen Karrikaburu (born November 17, 1932 in Paris ) also known as Dominique Peillen is a French biologist, linguist, writer and Abertzale. From 1989 to 2007 he worked as a full member of the Royal Academy of the Basque Language and is a member of other organizations promoting the Euskara .


Txomin Peillen was born in the 18th arrondissement of Paris as the son of Maddalen Karrikaburu, who comes from Larrau , and Joannes Peillen from Licq-Athérey .

Peillen studied biology and taught it for fifteen years in schools in the Paris region. He also taught Basque at the Lycée Lavoisier. At the University of Bordeaux he received his doctorate in Baskistik under Jean Haritschelhar and was for fifteen years a professor of Basque Philology at the University in Bayonne .

In addition to his participation in the Euskaltzaindia, Txomin Peillen is a member of the Society for Basque Studies , which awarded him the Manuel Lekuona Prize in 2009 for his complete works. He was also awarded the Biltzar Prize for writers from the Basque Country the previous year. He holds the position of Honorary President of the Basque Center at the PEN authors' association .

In his works he deals with a number of subjects such as ethnology, languages ​​and politics. Jean-Louis Davant said of him: “Son parcours d'érivain a commencé tôt, le manuscrit de son premier livre datant de 1953 (21 ans). L'écriture est pour lui bien plus qu'un sage violon d'ingres, une seconde nature habitée de passion et de science, comme on peut le voir à son impressionnant palmarès. Il réalise ainsi un idéal linguistique qui est proposé à tout habitant des territoires basques, au-delà de tous les clivages politiques ou others: celui de s'exprimer dans les trois langues principales du Pays Basque, sans oublier le gascon occitan. " (German: “His career as a writer began early, the manuscript of his first book is dated 1953 (21 years old). For him, writing is much more than a hobby, it is like a second nature, made by science and Dominique Peilen is an important creator of Basque and neighboring literature and a tireless researcher. He realizes a linguistic ideal that is proposed to all inhabitants of the Basque Country, regardless of political or other differences: expressed in the three main languages ​​of the Basque Country, without forgetting the Occitan Gaskognisch . ").

Txomin Peillen authored 43 books (39 in Basque, 3 in French and 1 in Spanish) and several hundred articles in newspapers and magazines. As a professor emeritus he lives in Bayonne and Sainte-Engrâce .


In Basque

  • Abd El Kader: Olerkia, 2006
  • Bela-ko zaldunaren Zuberotar hiztegia: XVIII: men-dean, 1983
  • Biziar hiztegiaz, 2009
  • Ehiza eta zepoka: (zuberoako basabürüan), 2002
  • Eliza doneskaiñak, pagan ohitura ta sineste baten ondakina: XVII. mendetik XX. raiño, 1980
  • Euskal antzertia: le théâtre basque, Pierre Bidart, 1987
  • Euskaldun etorkinak Ameriketan, Edurne Alegria, 2003
  • Euskalki literarioak, Rosa Miren Pagola, Pedro Diez de Ulzurrun, 1992
  • Gauaz ibiltzen dana, Dominique Peillen, 1967
  • Igela: euskaldun heterodoxoen erebista, Jon Mirande, 1979
  • Itzal Gorria, 1966 urteko Domingo Agirre Saria, 1972
  • Itzal gorria, 2000
  • Jende ederrak lanean: (who's who?), 2008
  • Joanes Leizarraga: vida y obra, Xabier Kintana, Henrike Knörr, 2007
  • Mende joanaz, 2003
  • Oreina eta gizoreina literaturgintzan eta edergintzan, 1983
  • Petiri "Agurgarria" Cluñy-koa napar-euskaldun sineste asked jakile, 1980
  • Urdaitx-etik Santa Graziraino berzokoratu herria, 1985
  • Xaguxarra: literature aldizkaria, Walter Scott, 1980

In French

  • Parlons euskara: la langue des Basques, 1995
  • Conception du monde et culture basque, 1999
  • Les emprunts de la langue basque à l'occitan de Gascogne: étude du dialecte souletin de l'euskara, 1998

In Spanish

  • El castellano y lo español en la provincia de Sola o Zuberoa, 1986
  • Poema filosofico manuscrito del siglo XIX, 1982
  • Teatro popular europe :, Hélène Etchecopar Etchart, Eric Dicharry, 1999


  • Paristar euskaldun bat (ni ... new), Elkar, 1987


  • Ale berdeak, Dakit argitaldaria, 2001
  • Ale gorriak, Hiria, 2001


  • Baloreak Euskal Herrian eta best gizarteetan, Utriusque Vasconiae, 2005
  • Bizidunak haurren eta helduen heziketan, Etor, 1995
  • Bosquejos vasco-uruguayos, Dakit argitaldari, 2003
  • Euskaldunen ingurugiroan (espazioa eta denbora), Dakit argitaldaria, 2001
  • Jusef Egiategiren lehen liburia, Euskaltzaindia (1785), 1983


  • Allande Elixagari ligiarraren ixtorioak, Haranburu, 1985
  • Animismua Zuberoan, Haranburu, 1985
  • Herri-sendakuntza eta sendagingoa Zuberoan, Joxe Miel Barandiaran Fundazioa, 1998
  • Zuberoako itzal-argiak (euskarazko jakilegoak), Elkar, 1998

Children's and young people's literature

  • Buffalo Billen abentura, Hordago, 1979
  • Errotaria Errege, Hordago, 1979
  • Mirko printzea, Hordago, 1979


  • Aintza txerriari !, Elkar, 1986
  • Alarguntsa beltza, Hiria, 2001
  • Aldjezairia askatuta, Hordago, 1982
  • Atxorra eta altximia, Hordago, 1982
  • Gatu beltza, Gero, 1973
  • Gauaz ibiltzen dana, Itxaropena, 1967
  • Itzal gorria, 1972
  • Kristina Bolsward, 1991
  • Leopoldo Zugaza, Berrargitalpena Hiria, 2001


  • Mende joanaz, Maiatz, 2003
Publications for the information sheet of the Museum of Basque History in Bayonne

  • Bihitik irinilat, irinetik ophililat. Du grain à la farine, de la farine à la galette, No. 9, 1981, p. 35
  • Brève notice sur la danse basque au XVIIIe siècle, No. 137, 1994, p. 89
  • Complément à l'étude du manuscrit basque d'Albertus Magnus, No. 76, 1977, p. 101
  • De quelques errements de la bascologie, No. 126, 1989, p. 173
  • Hiztegia (vocabulaire), No. 38, 1967, p. 171
  • Le culte de la déesse-mère dans l'histoire des religions. EO James. (Bibliography), No. 136, 1993, p. 205
  • Le temps et l'espace chez les basques, No. 157, 2001, p. 3
  • Le Théâtre populaire breton transmission écrite et orale (Problématique d'une symbiose) (Bibliography), No. 137, 1994, p. 105
  • Lehenagoko artzainðÆn jakitatia: arresenaltxatzia, minak, eritarzünak. (Sciences des bergers d'autrefois: Élevage des ovins leurs maux et maladies), No. 38, 1967, p. 145
  • L'élevage ovin dans le pays de Soule, No. 28, 1965, p. 49
  • L'œuvre du P. Larramendi SJ Cristallisation de mythes historiques et culturels basques, No. 118, 1987, p. 151
  • Noms de dieux, No. 132, 1991, p. 193
  • Parlons euskara (La langue des Basques) (Bibliography), No. 142, 1995, p. 199
  • Pierre Lafitte, ethnologue, no. 113-114, 1986, p. 133
  • Problématique de la définition des genres littéraires basques, no.HMB, 1989, p. 511
  • Recueil des recettes vétérinaires de Jauréguiberry (Manuscript n ° 118 du fonds celtique et basque de la Bibliothèque Nationale -Legs d'Abbadie), No. 57, 1972, p. 113
  • Un historien de langue basque au XVIIIe siècle, Juseff Eguiateguy, No. 104, 1984, p. 65
  • Un manuscrit inédit de la Bibliothèque Nationale (Tableau des mœurs des Basques), No. 97, 1982, p. 133
  • Xurika edo Terreilka, No. 69, 1975, p. 157

Individual evidence

  1. Name for Basque nationalist
  2. Peillen Karrikaburu, Txomin. Retrieved August 28, 2019 (Basque).
  3. Euskaltzain osoak-Txomin Peillen. Retrieved August 28, 2019 (Basque).
  4. Who are we? -Euscalps. Accessed August 28, 2019 .
  5. polyglot et Txomin Peillen, Basque. Retrieved August 28, 2019 (French).
  6. Base de données chronologique des articles et auteurs du Bulletin du Musée Basque de 1924 à 2011. Retrieved on August 28, 2019 (French).


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