Jean-Louis Davant

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: Jean L. Davant (2009)

Jean-Louis Davant Iratzabal (born July 5, 1935 in Arrast-Larrebieu ) is a Basque - French author, poet, bertsolari , pastoralari and academic. As a co-founder of Enbata and the Basque nationalist party EHAS, university professor and author of various history and poetry books, he testifies to his deep connection with the souletical culture.


Jean-Louis Davant completed his basic school education (in France up to the age of 14) in the capital of Soule , Mauléon-Licharre ( Basque : Maule or Maule-Lextarre), his secondary education (in France up to the age of 18) in Ustaritz ( Basque Uztaritze ) with subsequent studies as an agricultural engineer in Angers. He later teaches at the agricultural school in Hasparren ( Basque Hazparne ), which he eventually takes over.

From 1957 he worked on the magazines Gazte , Herria and Enbata and in 1965 became a correspondence member of the Royal Academy of the Basque Language . The Goiztiri publishing house brings in 1970 the first of many editions of his book Histoire du Pays Basque out. In it he presents the main events in the history of the Basques from antiquity to modern times in a way that is easy to understand for the public without differentiating political boundaries.

As a representative of the standard variant of Basque, Jean-Louis Davant officially entered the Euskalzaindia as a titular member on August 22, 1976 .

Since he is very interested in politics, he founded a. a. with Manex Goyhenetche in 1975 the patriotic party "Euskal Herria Alderdi Sozialista" (EHAS, Socialist Party of the Basque Country, 1975 - 1981 )

In magazines such Herria, Enbata, Maiatz, Egin, Gara, Euskaldun Egunkaria, Nabarralde and Argia he published numerous articles and writes some pastoral Theater such as the 1990 in Mauléon-Licharre premiered Abadia Ürrüsto , or Eüskaldünak Iraultzan , for the first time in 1993 played in Gotein-Libarrenx .

In addition, Jean-Louis Davant (alongside Jokin Apalategi, Joselu Miguel Cereceda and Miguel Castels) is one of the authors of the multi-part book series Euskadi guduan - en guerra on the history and social and cultural policy in the Basque Country . According to the Castilian version, the French version was also banned by the French interior minister Charles Pasqua "because it supports separatist movements".

Among other things, the author processed his experiences from the Algerian war in one of his two novels .

He also wrote two collections of poetry.

Itxaro Borda describes him as a “man [who] thinks [carefully] every word he writes. His poems testify to a search for the balance between ideas and phrases. Only when someone comes along with Jacobinism does he get angry! "

Literary works / bibliography

In French

  • L'économie basque , Cahier du mouvement Enbata, 1967
  • Histoire du peuple basque (préf. Lorea Uribe Etxebarria), Bayonne, Elkar argitaletxea, October 2009 (1st edition 1970), 352 pages in the French version. ISBN 978-84-9783-548-0 .
  • Euskadi Guduan: le Pays basque en guerre , M. Castells, 1987., in collaboration with Jokin Apalategi and Joselu Miguel Cereceda
  • Le “Problem basque” en 20 questions , Elkarlanean, 2006

In Basque language

Narrative texts

  • Iparraren bila , Elkarn, 1986


  • Abadia Urüstoi , Durangoko Udala, 1986
  • Abadia Urüstoi , Mauléon, 1990
  • Eüskaldünak Iraultzan , Gotaine Irabarne, 1993
  • Aguirre Presidenta , Arrokiaga, 1995
  • Xiberoko Makia 6, Sohüta, 2001
  • Antso Handia , Mauléon, 2004
  • Xiberoko Jauna , Espès-Undurein, 2008

In 2013 and 2015 he wrote a pastoral theater for the village of Cheraute about the life of the famous René Cassin and another with the title “Aita Pierre Lhande” for the villages of Trois-Villes and Sauguis.


  • Aberri eta klase burruka eta klase burruka euskal mogimenduan, Elkar, 1977
  • Zuberoako idazle zenduak , Elkar, 2001


  • Idazlan hautatuak , Elkar, 2004, 258 p. ISBN 84-9783-072-5
  • Zuberoako literaturaz. Antologia laburra [archive] , Euskaltzaindia, 2009


  • Makila gorria , Elkar, 1980


  • Igante xuri 1980
  • Gereziak non dira ... 1981
  • Denboraren aroak , éditions Bilbao Bizkaia Kutxa, 1982
  • Maite zintuda 1984
  • Nahi gabe , 1985, éditions Caja de Ahorros Municipal de Pamplona
  • Ez dah poetari 1986
  • Itsasoak iraultzan , Maiatz, 1986
  • Ihesi , Maiatz, 1990
  • Harri txintxolak , Elkar, 2003

For Nabarralde

  • Ez nintzan Jewish
  • 2010ko pastorala
  • Xahoren ekintza asked
  • NOAIN, Getzeko gudukaz
  • Berreterretxen kantorea
  • Pregoia: Noain 2005
  • Zuberoako azken Bizkontea

Other works and works

  • (in Basque) Lucien Etxezaharreta
  • (in Spanish and French) Euskadi guduan - en guerra in collaboration with Jokin Apalategi, Joselu Miguel Cereceda and Miguel Castells, Benito Garai (Illustrateur), Alfonso Sastre (Préface), Ekin, 1987. ISBN 2-906577-00-6 .

Web links

Commons : Jean-Louis Davant  - Collection of Images, Videos and Audio Files

Individual evidence

  1. The weekly political magazine Enbata is known for its analytical, informative and active role in everyday politics in the Basque Country. Her popularity stems from the question about the mostly unconscious expectation, the identity thinking of this region, to which she drew attention and also answered. That is why it conquered the French part of the Basque Country. Nevertheless, it had to endure a number of endurance tests: from innumerable seizures during legal proceedings to break-ins into the editorial offices and legal prohibitions.
  2. The Catholic University of Applied Sciences was opened in 1961 thanks to the great commitment of Bishop Gouyon of Bayonne, who had set himself the goal of founding a technical college and an agricultural school in Hasparren. The steadfastness of Michel Garry and Jean-Louis Davant and Piarres Charritton also played their part
  3. Four Euskadi authors who are all experts in their fields - Basque history and culture, oppression and the socio-political situation. According to A. Sastre, the work “[satisfies] the long-standing need for a book that is only one side of the coin, but is nevertheless serious. This publication is a great support for those who dare to approach this explosive topic without prejudice; for all those who want to find out more about the subject and want to form an opinion with the help of uninfluenced information. On every page you are confronted with the separatist organization ETA, which makes the book even more interesting. "
  4. Improvised singing with rhyme and stanzas
  5. Les 174 bertsos de Jean-Louis Davant. Retrieved June 4, 2019 .
  6. Cultural association of some historians who want to draw attention to the history of Navarra as a former European state.