Ulf Sundberg

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Ulf Hjalmar Sundberg (born September 11, 1919 in Hedemora ; † October 14, 1997 ) was one of the most important Swedish forest scientists of the 20th century. He has served as an international acting and renowned scholar in an outstanding way for the further development of forest work science and Forest Utilization contributed.


Ulf Sundberg was born on September 11, 1919 in Hedemora. He graduated from the Royal Forestry School in Stockholm in 1944 with a degree in forest sciences . He then ran a private forest enterprise until 1947 . His scientific career began in 1948 when he moved to the Logging Research Foundation , Stockholm, of which he was a member for four years. Then he followed the call as professor at the Department of Operational Efficiency at the Swedish Forest Research Institute and the Royal Forestry School. The latter later became the Forest Science Faculty of the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet), first in Stockholm, then from 1974 in Garpenberg . As a visiting professor he also taught at Yale University in 1965 .

From 1971 to 1974 Sundberg was head of the Forest Logging and Transport Branch in the Forestry Department of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) in Rome . In addition, he was Deputy Chairman of the FAO / ECE / ILO Committee on Forest Operations . As early as the 1950s , he had been working on studies for the FAO on the use of chainsaws and mechanized debarking of wood . He has advised in about a dozen countries around the world. From 1952 to 1986 he represented the International Association of Forest Research Institutes (IUFRO) in key positions .

With his work he has made a decisive contribution to the further development of forest work science and forest use. He always worked on adapting modern technology to the needs of the people working in the forest and on using it to achieve both rational and careful management of the forests. Many of his ideas and research results have become common property of forest science and practice. He owed this success not least to his numerous publications, often written in English, which, together with his posts, made him known worldwide. Sundberg was an extremely prolific writer. There are around 200 publications by him, including 14 textbooks such as Skogsteknisk driftsekonomi (1979) and Operational efficiency in forestry (2 volumes, 1988 and 1989). However, his works have not yet been translated into German. However, his contributions have appeared in German-language journals, especially in the Allgemeine Forst- und Jagdzeitung .


In addition, Sundberg received a number of other honorary doctorates, was knight and commander of the Royal Swedish North Star Order and honorary member of the association of forest students.

He was a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Agriculture and Forestry, the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering and the Royal Norwegian Academy of Sciences.


  • Lunning med tractor. Praktiska experienced and result from SDA: s studier sammanställda , Stockholm 1949.
  • as co-author: The use of power saws in forestry operations A study , 2 studies, Geneva 1953 and 1955.
  • The mechanical barking of timber , Geneva 1957 (French title: L'écorçage mecanique du bois ).
  • Om arbetsåtgången i svenskt och utländskt skogsbruk vid 1950-talets slut , Stockholm 1960.
  • Studier över manual hantering av rundvirke , Meddelanden från Statens skogsforskningsinstitut, Stockholm 1960, ISSN  0369-2167 .
  • A pilot study to use balloons in cable skidding , Stockholm 1962, ISSN  0562-097X .
  • Distribution of the costs of Joint Forest roads according to crosswise and lengthwise road functions = Kostnadsfördelning för enskilda skogsbilvägar, grundad på vägens Längs- och tvärsfunktioner , Studia forestalia suecica (Volume 30), Stockholm 1965.
  • together with Anders Turén: Kostnadsfördelning för smfällda skogsbilvägar enl. Tl-methoden jämte ADB-rutin , Rapporter och Uppsatser (Volume 47), Stockholm 1971.
  • Skogsteknisk driftsekonomi. Basic course , Garpenberg 1979, (= series compendier / Institutions för skogsteknik, Skogshögskolan) OCLC 475773104 .
  • together with Jan-Erik Gasslander and Jan Erik Mattsson: A pilot study on the energy requirements in forest logging = En pilotstudie av energibehovet vid drivning , Garpenberg 1979, ISBN 91-576-0280-8 .
  • A study on the cost of machine use in forestry. Proposing fuel consumption as cost determinant = Skogsmaskinkostnad. En study av bränsleförbrukningen som Kostnadsdeterminant , Garpenberg 1982, ISBN 91-576-1194-7 .
  • Logging in broadleaved tropical forests. Facilities and techniques to improve utilization in Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines , Kuala Lumpur 1985.
  • Männniskan, tekniken skogsbruket. Kort handledning för återblick på skogsbruket som socio-tekniskt system , 2nd edition, (= series compendier / Institutions för skogsteknik, Skogshögskolan) Garpenberg 1985, OCLC 476178903 .
  • as editor together with CR Silversides: Operational efficiency in forestry , 2 volumes, Dordrecht a. a. 1988-1989, ISBN 90-247-3684-6 .
  • Forest emergy basis for Swedish power in the 17th century , Scandinavian journal of forest research / Supplement 1; Oslo u. a. 1994.


  • FFM-FHW: Honorary doctorate for Professor Sundberg , in Der Forst- und Holzwirt , 42nd year, issue 22/1987, ISSN  0932-9315 , p. 618.

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