Ulrik Christian Gyldenløve

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Ulrik Christian Gyldenløve

Ulrik Christian Gyldenløve (born June 14, 1678 on Samsø , Denmark , † December 8, 1719 in Copenhagen ), Count of Samsø and Baron of Marselisborg, was a Danish admiral. He was the son of the Danish King Christian V with Sophie Amalie Moth and thus half-brother of King Friedrich IV.


At the end of the 1690s he joined the Danish Navy and in 1701, as Admiral General, became Commander-in-Chief of all Danish-Norwegian naval forces. During the Great Northern War he defeated the Swedish General Admiral Hans Wachtmeister in 1710 in the Køgebucht and in 1712 off Rügen . He defeated the Swedes again in 1715 before Jasmund , but when they met again in the Køgebucht he was fatally wounded by a Swedish sniper in 1719 and died in Copenhagen.

He was married to Charlotte Amalie Krabbe af Østergaard (1689–1709) since 1708. The marriage remained childless when Charlotte died a year later.


Web links

Commons : Ulrik Christian Gyldenløve  - collection of images, videos and audio files