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Yellowfin Umber (Umbrina roncador)

Yellowfin Umber ( Umbrina roncador )

Spinefish (Acanthopterygii)
Perch relatives (Percomorphaceae)
incertae sedis
Family : Umberfish (Sciaenidae)
Genre : Umbrina
Scientific name
Cuvier , 1817

The Umbrina is a genus from the Umberfishes family (Sciaenidae). It occurs with 17 species in tropical and warm-temperate waters of the Atlantic , the Mediterranean , the western Indian Ocean and the eastern Pacific .


The species of the genus are fish of elongated, laterally somewhat flattened physique with a rounded belly. The head is lower than the relatively high back. The mouth is small and subordinate. On the chin sits a short, stocky barb with a pore at the end and two more pores flanking the base. The eye is medium in size and a quarter the length of the head or more the diameter. The teeth sit in two rows per jaw, of which the outer one is larger in the upper jaw. The edge of the front cover is finely sawn. The body is dark brown or silver in color and has opaque stripes or vertical bars. The first dorsal fin is short and has ten slender hard rays. The second, long dorsal fin has 25 to 30 soft rays. The small anal fin has two hard and five to eight soft rays.


There are currently 17 species recognized in the genus:

Web links

Commons : Umbrina  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. LN Chao: Sciaenidae . In: KE Carpenter (Ed.): The Living Marine Resources of the Western Central Atlantic. FAO Species Identification Guide for Fishery Purposes and American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists . tape 5 , no. 3 . FAO, Rome 2002, p. 1583–1653 (English, [PDF]).
  2. ^ Genus Umbrina at
  3. Umbrina on (English)