Environmental protection

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Environmental protection is the sustainable safeguarding of people's livelihoods. The term environmental protection is often used synonymously with the term environmental protection in the technical field , and in the ecological field it is replaced by the term sustainability .

The course in environmental protection enables graduates to perceive the environment as a networked system . This enables them to recognize, forecast, analyze, examine, evaluate, document and present environmental problems and to work out ways of solving them.

Broad, well-founded training in environmentally relevant subjects is combined with specialization in the field of water, soil and waste management. Science and technology form the focus of the training. For graduates of the course there are job opportunities in all environmental sectors of the economy and the public service . Admission requirements for studies are the general higher education entrance qualification or advanced technical college entrance qualification as well as a six-week, environmentally-related internship in a company or an authority for some courses . This part can be waived if the prerequisites are met, which are usually evidenced by certificates.

The course can be taken at the Weihenstephan-Triesdorf University of Applied Sciences, Triesdorf Department (near Ansbach) and the University of Hildesheim .

The students of this course are referred to as Umsis or singular Umsi . This term has replaced the previously very common UWS'ler.

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