Un bruit qui rend fou

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German title Un bruit qui rend fou
Original title Un bruit qui rend fou
Country of production France , Belgium , Switzerland
original language Greek , French
Publishing year 1995
length 100 minutes
Age rating FSK 0
Director Alain Robbe-Grillet ,
Dimitri de Clercq
script Alain Robbe-Grillet,
Dimitri de Clercq
production Jacques de Clercq
music Nikos Kypourgos
camera Patrice Cologne ,
Hans Meier ,
Laurence Tremolet
cut France Duez

The Blue Villa (1995) (translated: A sound that makes crazy) is a film drama , which on the opera The Flying Dutchman is based and in the February 17, 1995 International Film Festival in Berlin under the title The Blue Villa shown and was nominated for Best Picture .

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The slightly different version of the “Flying Dutchman” is about a seafarer in love, Frank, who has been suspected for seven years of killing Santa, Edouard Nordmann's stepdaughter.

Nordmann proposed a deal to Frank for which he had to kill Santa, with whom he was deeply in love. As expected, he does his job and disappears with his ship.

But in reality he had never killed Santa, just pretended to accept the deal and just took his lover with him.

After seven years, Frank returns to the Mediterranean island with Santa and then does the "rest". To protect Santa he takes her undercover to a seedy brothel called the Blue Villa.


Director and screenwriter Alain Robbe-Grillet made the film with his ex-student Dimitri de Clercq after he had not made a film for over 10 years. The story is based on the opera "The Flying Dutchman" and on some books by Robbe-Grillet, e.g. B. "The Blue Villa in Hong Kong".

The film was shot in Greece .


  • 1995: Goldener Berliner Bär - Best Film (nomination)
  • 1995: Mystfest Award - Best Film (nomination)
  • 1995: San Diego Film Festival Award - Best Picture

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