Permit to wear uniform

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As uniform wearing permission (UTE) in the language of German is Bundeswehr and the Austrian federal army the legally established authorization for carrying the uniform outside a military service relationship by reservists and former soldiers called.

armed forces

Legal bases

The reserve law forms with § 3 (authorization to wear the uniform outside of a military service ratio) the legal basis. It is regulated by the Uniform Ordinance ( UnifV ) as well as by Section 4.10 ( wearing uniforms outside of military service) and Annex 8.28 (provisions for wearing uniform outside of military service) of the central regulation A2-1300 / 0-0-2 "The Armed Forces Reserve" of the Armed Forces Office formulated and specified.

To wear a Bundeswehr uniform outside of a military service relationship, a UTE is mandatory, violations are a criminal offense according to § 132a StGB .


According to the legal bases mentioned, the uniform wear permit can be issued on the following occasions:

  1. festive family events, such as weddings, christenings or events of similar importance ( § 3 No. 1 UnifV),
  2. Burials of relatives and comrades (§ 3 No. 2 UnifV),
  3. festive events and public commemorations of the federal government, the federal states and municipalities and other corporations under public law (§ 3 No. 3 UnifV),
  4. Events of soldiers and reservist associations to which the Bundeswehr is not prohibited from contact (§ 3 No. 4 UnifV),
  5. other representative events or events that are particularly worthy of funding in the interests of the Bundeswehr (§ 3 No. 5 UnifV) and
  6. Travel to official events in accordance with Section 81 of the Soldiers Act including return journeys (Section 3 Clause 6 UnifV).

Application, approval and responsibilities


Permission to wear uniform must be applied for in person and is only issued ex officio in special cases (e.g. in accordance with Section 3 (6) UnifV). The last disciplinary superior of the soldier or the state command responsible for the soldier's place of residence is responsible for receiving the application and for its approval , in special cases (e.g. for a permit to be worn abroad) the Armed Forces Office . The permit must be carried with you while the uniform is worn. He is requested by the police or military police show off. Alternatively, a valid ID card for reservists (ID card Res) is also valid as a UTE. A separate application for the UTE is then not required, but the ID (in contrast to the life-long UTE) must be renewed regularly. The loss of the uniform wear permit results in the withdrawal of the Res ID card .

According to § 6 Abs. 2 UnifV, the uniform wearing permit for events according to § 3 no. 1 to 4 UnifV in general and for an unlimited period (but subject to revocation). Events according to No. 5 to 6, however, are each subject to individual approval.

Special case events by soldiers / reservist associations

Item 4 of § 3 UnifV (events of soldiers and reservist associations) is a specialty :

  • On the one hand, the approval only applies to soldiers and reservist associations "with which the Bundeswehr is not prohibited from contact". In practice, the Bundeswehr defines this in a positive list of so-called beneficiary associations , the largest of which is the Association of Reservists of the German Federal Armed Forces (reservists association) , in which most of the active reservists are members.
  • On the other hand, the approval does not apply automatically to these associations either, but should be decided within the association on a case-by-case basis as to whether the uniform-wearing permit is granted for a certain event. In the reservist association, this is decided by the board of the next higher association level at the request of the organizer; the type of permit is then called VVag with UTE (association event with uniform wearing permit ) and is deemed to have been granted if it has been entered in the VdRBw event database with this note.


Approval to wear the uniform may according to § 4 UnifV are not granted:

Type of suit and former identification

Shoulder flap with a former so-called reservist cord

The type of suit outside of a military service relationship is basically the service suit (basic form, possibly with additions / modifications) or the company suit . In exceptional cases, the field suit ( camouflage print , general, basic form, possibly with additions / modifications) may be worn after approval by the regional command (for Germany) or the armed forces office (for foreign countries) ; the same (as a basic form, possibly with weather-related additions) applies to events of beneficiary soldiers and reservist associations according to § 3 no. 4 UnifV at the express request (e.g. in the invitation) of the approver.

Until August 2019, the uniform was outside of military service in accordance with Section 2 Paragraph 2 UnifV with a black, red and gold cord as a pull-over loop on the shoulder flaps between the sleeve insert and the rank badge ( Army and Air Force ) or with a gold-colored letter "R" in connection with the Badge of rank , if worn on the sleeve ( navy ), to be marked.
Ursula von der Leyen announced on December 22, 2018 that she had decided to abolish the "reservist cord". The abolition was discussed for a long time, the aim should be the equal treatment of reservists and active soldiers. In June 2019, the Bundestag decided under an article law u. a. the elimination of the marking for reservists. The regulation came into force when it was published in the Federal Law Gazette on August 4, 2019.

Federal Army

In Austria, Section 35 of the Defense Act regulates the right to wear uniforms. According to this, conscripts of the militia and reserve level who hold a rank according to § 6 of the Defense Act are entitled to wear the uniform corresponding to their respective rank and their respective branch of service. This is only permitted for

  • Events of the local authorities ,
  • other events in which delegations of the armed forces take part, and
  • special family celebrations.

Furthermore, with the consent of the responsible military command , the uniform may be worn in all cases where this is in the military interest.

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Concepts, instructions and regulations of the reserve : Central regulation A2-1300 / 0-0-2
  2. ^ List of beneficiary soldiers and reservist associations
  3. A2-1300 / 0-0-2, appendix. 8.28.10
  4. Ursula von der Leyen on Instagram: “The reserve deserves more social attention. An important step has now been taken: I have decided ... ” Accessed December 22, 2018 .
  5. ↑ The reserve cord will be abolished. In: Reservists Association Brandenburg. June 7, 2019, accessed on June 9, 2019 (German).
  6. ^ Ordinance on the right to wear uniform outside of military service (Uniform Ordinance - UnifV). Retrieved September 19, 2019 .