Urson de Nemours

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Urson de Nemours (also Orson , * around 1165 , † January 24, 1233 ), Baron de Brécy-en-Berry , was chamberlain and adviser to Kings Louis VIII and Louis IX.


Urson de Nemours was a son of Gauthier I. de Villebéon , Grand Chamberlain of France (1196-1205), and Aveline de Nemours, thus a member of the Le Riche family . Three of his six brothers were bishops: Étienne, Bishop of Noyon (1188-1222), Pierre , Bishop of Paris (1208-1219), and Guillaume, Bishop of Meaux (1214-1221). Another brother, Jean, was Prévôt de Paris , but the most important was Gauthier II. De Villebéon , who in 1205 succeeded his father as Lord Chamberlain of France.

He himself followed his late brother Philippe as Chambellan auxiliaire in 1191 . He later became a close advisor to King Louis VIII (ruled 1223-1226), before becoming Chamberlain to Crown Prince Louis IX. (* 1214) was appointed. From 1227 to 1232 he was assessor of Barthélemy de Roye , Grand Chamberlain of France , during the six-monthly meetings with the Échiquier de Normandie .

On September 18, 1214, he signed the Treaty of Chinon on behalf of King Philippe Augustus ( de mandato nostro ) with King John Ohneland of England (after the defeat of his allies in the Battle of Bouvines on July 27th).

He married probably around 1180 Liesse de Méréville , daughter of Guy II. De Méréville and Hildeburge. Four of his children survived him:

  1. Urson, Seigneur de Méréville
  2. Philippe, † April 1237, 1228 Bishop of Châlons
  3. Marguerite, Dame d' Absonville
  4. Guy, † before 1237, Seigneur de Méréville after the death of his brother Urson

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Émile-Louis Richemond, Recherches généalogiques sur la famille des seigneurs de Nemours du XIIe au XVe siècle , Volume 2, 1908, pp. 4-18
  2. Alexandre Teulet, Layettes du Trésor des Chartes , Volume 1, 1863 - Ursio camerarius , p. 405