Ursula Erber

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Ursula Erber (born April 5, 1934 in Munich ) is a German actress .


She grew up in Obermenzing . After graduating from high school, she trained as an actor at the Otto Falckenberg School in Munich. She then had various theater engagements, including at the Deutsches Schauspielhaus Hamburg , the Bavarian State Theater Munich and the Kammerspiele Munich . Since 2007 she plays a major role in the television series home is at home of the Bavarian Radio .

Ursula Erber lives in Stockdorf in Bavaria . Her husband Roland Heitel, a retired Latin teacher, passed away in 2017.



Since 1954 Ursula Erber has had theater engagements on the following stages:

  • Altes Schauspielhaus Stuttgart
  • Hessian State Theater Wiesbaden
  • Deutsches Schauspielhaus Hamburg
  • Bavarian State Theater Munich
  • Kammerspiele Munich

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Individual evidence

  1. Longing for the theater. Sueddeutsche.de. March 14, 2011, accessed December 8, 2013 .
  2. The true essence of the Brunner landlady. Sueddeutsche.de. March 14, 2011, accessed December 8, 2013 .