Ursula Micaela Morata

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Ursula Micaela Morata

Ursula Micaela Morata (born October 21, 1628 in Cartagena , † January 9, 1703 in Alicante ) was a nun in the order of the Capuchin Poor Clares . She founded the monastery of the Capuchin Poor Clares in Alicante ( Spain ).


Born into a wealthy family, she was the youngest of thirteen children. Her parents were both of Italian descent. Her father, Marc Aurel, was a knight of the State of Savoy . Her mother's name was also Juana Garibaldo. Both died three days apart in 1632 when Ursula was three years old; from then on she was looked after by her older sister Sebastiana. She had her first mystical experience when she was four years old . She later began fasting and mortification . She learned to read and write from her sister.


Despite the opposition of her family, in 1644 she entered the Capuchin Convent of Murcia , founded by Saint Maria Angela Astorch. She celebrated her profession on January 20, 1647, when she took the religious name Micaela. In 1648 the plague raged in Murcia and Sister Ursula became a nurse. In 1651 and 1653, the floods of the river forced the community to flee and the sisters found refuge in the monastery on the Hermit's Mountain. During this time, Sister Ursula Micaela experienced the “dark night”, an essential stage of the spiritual crisis among the mystics . In 1652 she received the mandate of her confessor to write her autobiography .

Sister Ursula Micaela had several supernatural experiences as known from other mystics. She corresponded with Charles II of Spain and John of Austria .

Foundation in Alicante

In 1669 efforts began to establish a convent of the Capuchin Poor Clares in the city of Alicante. Due to many problems, however, work did not begin until 1672 and was completed in 1682. The monastery was named Triumph of the Most Holy .

Death and beatification

After two years of painful illness, Sr. Micaela died on January 9, 1703 at the age of 75. Because of Sr. Micaela's reputation and social standing, she was laid out in church for six days . The corpse did not show any decay during this time. The diocesan process of beatification was opened by the Bishop of Orihuela-Alicante , Rafael Palmero , on October 11, 2006 and ended on June 11, 2009.


  • Pérez de Rada, Javier (Ed.) (2007): Sor Ursola Michaela Morata. Fundadora y Abadesa del Real Convento de los Triunfos del SS.Sacramento de Capuchinas de Alicante (Facsimil de la edición de 1703). Madrid, Fundación Jaureguizar. ISBN 978-84-930886-8-2 .
  • Piquer Garcés, Vicente Benjamín (eds.) (2006): Sor Úrsula Micaela Morata, Clarisa Capuchina (1628-1703) . Alicante, Proceso de Canonización de Sor Úrsula Micaela Morata.
  • Saez Vidal, Joaquín (1987): Sor Úrsula Micaela Morata (1628-1703) Experiencia religiosa y actividad personal . Alicante, Caja de Ahorros de Alicante y Murcia. ISBN 84-7599-043-6 .
  • Triviño, María Victoria (Ed.) (1992): Escritoras Clarisas Españolas. Antología . Madrid, BAC ISBN 978-84-7914-073-1 .


  • Lemeunier, G., Murcia en el siglo XVII: Una sociedad en crisis. La cólera de Dios. Crónica de los años 1647-1653, en Historia de la Región de Murcia (F. Chacón Jiménez, ed.) Vol. VI. Murcia, Mediterráneo, 1980; Kamen, Henry, La España de Carlos II. Barcelona, ​​Crítica, 1982.
  • Coucho Sebastia - Sánchez Ferlosio, Hidrología histórica del Segura. Facsímil de la edición de 1965, Colegio de Ingenieros de Caminos, Canales y Puertos de Murcia, 1984.