Uwe Corsepius

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Uwe Corsepius (born August 9, 1960 in Berlin ) has been Head of the European Department in the Federal Chancellery since summer 2015 . Before that, he was Secretary General of the most important legislative body of the European Union , the Council of Ministers , from June 26, 2011 . Corsepius is also known as the German Sherpa in EU jargon and is considered the father of the Berlin Declaration .


Uwe Corsepius studied business administration at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg and is considered a student of Horst Steinmann . In 1984, Corsepius passed his degree in business administration and received his doctorate in 1989 at the Kiel Institute for the World Economy . In 1990 he became a civil servant in the Federal Ministry of Economics and Labor . Since 1992 he has worked for the International Monetary Fund in Washington . From 1994 he was a civil servant in the Federal Chancellery, first under Helmut Kohl , then under Gerhard Schröder . Under Chancellor Angela Merkel , he became Head of Department 5 (European Policy) and unofficially coordinated German European policy . Since 2006 he has had the rank of Ministerial Director .

In February 2011, Corsepius succeeded Jens Weidmann , Head of Economic and Financial Policy , who became the new President of the Bundesbank . The successor of Corsepius as head of the European department in the Federal Chancellery was Nikolaus Meyer-Landrut . Meyer-Landrut moved to the German Embassy in Paris as ambassador in the summer of 2015, and Corsepius returned to Berlin.

At the end of 2009, Corsepius was appointed as the new Secretary General of the Council of the European Union among the heads of state and government (European Council) . In 2011 he succeeded the Frenchman Pierre de Boissieu . Der Spiegel described the German as gruff; he was viewed critically in Brussels because he had “little feeling for the interests and needs of others”. Since Klaus Welle is already Secretary General of the European Parliament, in 2011 two Germans were in charge of the administration of the two legislative chambers of the EU.

Corsepius is one of the 89 people from the European Union against whom Russia imposed an entry ban in May 2015 .

Corsepius is married and has two children.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Photo and curriculum vitae ( memento from January 2, 2014 in the Internet Archive )
  2. ^ Nico Fried: Uwe Corsepius becomes Merkel's advisor. sueddeutsche.de, March 13, 2015, accessed on August 12, 2015
  3. ABOUT THE PERSON: Indispensable for Merkel ( memento of September 24, 2015 in the Internet Archive ), www.schwaebische-post.de
  4. See the European coordination of the federal government. (PDF; 175 kB) (No longer available online.) European Movement Germany , March 9, 2009, formerly in the original ; Retrieved October 26, 2010 .  ( Page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.@1@ 2Template: Toter Link / www.europaeische-bewegung.de  
  5. ^ New head of the Europe department in the Federal Chancellery: Nikolaus Meyer-Landrut. European Movement Germany , February 18, 2011, accessed on October 18, 2018 .
  6. ^ Ralf Neukirch: The anti-fisherman . In: Der Spiegel , 5/2011; P. 42 .
  7. Andreas Borcholte: Entry bans: Russia accuses EU politicians of showing behavior. In: Spiegel Online. May 31, 2015, accessed June 1, 2015 .
  8. ^ RUS: Russian Visa Blocking List. (PDF 23 KB) In: yle.fi. May 26, 2015, accessed June 1, 2015 .