Uwe Hauenfels

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Uwe Hauenfels (born February 21, 1967 in Waidhofen an der Ybbs ; † May 10, 2016 in Vienna ) was an Austrian sculptor and member of the Vienna Künstlerhaus .


As part of his training, he attended the Hallstatt Wood School (sculptor class) and then the HTBLA Master School for Art and Design in Graz. At the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna he studied in the master class of Franz Xaver Ölzant (diploma 1991). Long periods of work abroad led him to a. to the USA (Missoula, Seattle 1992–1993), to Canada (Sherbrooke, Québec, 1998), to China (Beijing, 2005) and to Croatia (Zagreb, 2009). In 2001 he started working with the Andrea Jünger gallery.

Uwe Hauenfels specialized in the processing of metal, but light installations and woodwork as well as furniture-like sculptures are part of his work. Abstractions of organic forms and modular bodies already characterize his work in his early years. Starting in 2001, he developed the series “Room Drawings”, which he implemented in different materials, dealing with the spatial representation of the line in space. Those objects in steel that he painted in monochrome have names such as “winter sea colors” or “pea green”.

He was married to the curator and author Theresia Hauenfels and was the father of their children Mira, Oscar and Boris.

Working in Lower Austria

With the establishment of the Kunstbank Ferrum association in 1996, Uwe Hauenfels, in partnership with cultural manager Gerhard Junker, created a forum for Waidhofner cultural life that organizes exhibitions (raumimpuls) and publications.

In addition, the couple supervised the stations of the traveling exhibition “Building (t) en for the arts. Contemporary architecture in Lower Austria "with photographs by Bruno Klomfar in the following European cities: Bratislava - design factory (2012), Paris - galerie d´architecture (2012), Košice - Kunsthalle (European Capital of Culture 2013), Berlin - AEDES gallery (2014), Brussels - Berlaymont (2014), St. Pölten - Landhaus (2015).

Exhibitions (selection)

  • 2017: Stadtgalerie Waidhofen / Ybbs, solo exhibition, posthumously
  • 2016: Galerie Blaugelbe Zwettl, solo exhibition, posthumously
  • 2015–2016: "Unexpected Forms", NÖART,
  • 2015: Galerie Jünger, Vienna, solo exhibition
  • 2015: "entreSculptures", artists' association MAERZ, Linz,
  • 2013: MUFUKU, Weibern, solo exhibition,
  • 2012: “Paperworks”, Galerie Schafschetzy, Graz
  • 2011: “Branched Connections”, Prisma Gallery, Bozen
  • 2010: "line source", Croatian Artists Association HDLU, Meštrović Pavilion, Zagreb,
  • 2010: "raum_körper einsatz", MUSA, Vienna,
  • 2008: "1532", neon room installation with world premiere of a setting by Rupert Huber, Bürgerspitalskirche, Waidhofen / Ybbs
  • 2005: "Skin", Art Museum of the Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing


  • 2006: Culture Prize of the State of Lower Austria (recognition)

Architectural photography (selection)

  • Architectural landscape of Lower Austria, published by Kunstbank Ferrum - cultural workshop and ORTE Architecture Network Lower Austria: Volume 1 Mostviertel (2007), Volume 2 Industrieviertel (2009)
  • Designing Lower Austria, category “Building Jewels in Lower Austria”: 2012–2016

Literature (selection)

  • Elisabeth von Samsonow: On the prehistory and effect of the room drawings by Uwe Hauenfels. In: Theresia Hauenfels, Silvie Aigner (Ed.): Program: Text. Writing as form - art as poetry. Edition Praesens, Vienna 2007 (= res urbanae. Waidhofen encounters 1), pp. 66–69.
  • Because art is created. Active (places) in Lower Austria. Published by the Office of the Lower Austrian Provincial Government, Department of Art and Culture, St. Pölten / Salzburg / Vienna 2014, pp. 364–367.
  • Elisabeth Vera Rathenböck : Artists in the Mostviertel. Amstetten 2007, pp. 55-64.
  • Florian Steininger: Canadian Diamonds. Exhibition catalog Waidhofen / Ybbs 1999.

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