Véronique Witzigmann

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Véronique Witzigmann (born July 16, 1970 in Washington, DC ) is an Austrian delicatessen entrepreneur and author.


Witzigmann, daughter of the chef Eckart Witzigmann and his wife Monika, grew up in Munich. After completing school and training as a make-up artist , she worked a. a. in his parents' business "Aubergine". In the restaurant, which was awarded three Michelin Guide stars, she worked in the areas of press relations and event organization.

From 1995 she then worked in the event management and promotion department at Antenne Bayern and later as a management assistant at the TV station tm3 .

Delicatessen entrepreneur

Witzigmann is a single mother with one daughter. Encouraged by her little daughter's refusal to accept fresh fruit, she began to cook jams and finally to market them in the upscale delicatessen segment. In the beginning it carried out the development, production and sales of the products completely itself, today it uses commercial partners for the production and sales. In addition to spreads , the Witzigmann company's product portfolio also includes chutneys and sauces .

Book publications

She has published several books, in particular cookbooks on the subject of spreads and baking , but also children's books and guides on questions of housekeeping and family life. In 2008, Véronique Witzigmann received the silver award from the GAD Gastronomische Akademie Deutschlands eV for her book “My Jams, Chutneys & Co.”. With the title Das Marmeladenbuch (IB 2008), it was added to the list of authors in the renowned Insel-Bücherei in 2014 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Portrait on the 321kochen.tv website , accessed on September 1, 2014
  2. rolingpin de: New Generation , accessed on September 1, 2014
  3. "Wirtschaft" magazine of the Chamber of Industry and Commerce Munich and Upper Bavaria, issue 10/2007: Everyone is talking - table discussion with Véronique Witzigmann , accessed on September 1, 2014