Vaam (unit)

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Vaam was a measure of volume for liquids in the Jever rule .

The beer measure , which also applied to wine , brandy and vinegar , had the measure chain

Other meanings:

Vaam or Vadem , also Wisse , is the Dutch name for the volume measure of 1 cubic meter .

As a measure of length, the Dutch thread was a Vaam and was 6 feet or 834.8 Paris lines , which was about 1,883 meters .

Individual evidence

  1. Ludwig Kohli: Handbook of a historical-statistical-geographical description of the Duchy of Oldenburg together with the inheritance of Jever, and the two principalities of Lübeck and Birkenfeld. Volume 1, Wilhelm Kaiser, Bremen 1824, p. 205.
  2. a b Friedrich Noback: General Börsen- u. Comptoirbuch: Containing the entire stock, fund, monetary system, bills of exchange and Money course, change law, dimensions, weights, usages etc. Appendix: Telegraph, post and Insurance. Volume 3, Adolf Gumprecht, Leipzig 1862, p. 30.
  3. For silver: The coins, measurements and weights of all countries in the world are calculated individually according to their values ​​and proportions to all German coins, measurements and weights, along with details of the trading centers and their billing ratios. Moritz Ruhl, Leipzig 1861, p. 454.
  4. Helmut Kahnt, Bernd Knorr: Old dimensions, coins and weights. A lexicon. Bibliographisches Institut, Mannheim et al. 1987, ISBN 3-411-02148-9 , p. 333.
  5. Gustav Adolph Jahn: Dictionary of applied mathematics: a manual for use. Volume 1, Reichenbach'sche Buchhandlung, Leipzig 1855, p. 417.