Vainius Butinas

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Vainius Butinas (born March 5, 1965 in Klaipėda ) is a Lithuanian border guard, head of Valstybės sienos apsaugos tarnyba (VSAT), general .


In 1990 he graduated from the Faculty of History of the Vilniaus universitetas in Vilnius and in 2004 the Master's degree in Administration from the Kauno technologijos universitetas in Kaunas . From 1991 he served in the border guards in the district of Klaipėda and then in Nida . From 1993 he was in charge of the Juodkrantė border protection point , and from 1997 the personnel department of the border police department. He has headed VSAT since 2010. In 2011 Andrius Kubilius promoted him to general in the office.

He is married. With Mrs. Vaida he has the sons Kernius and Bartas.


  1. Dėl vidaus tarnybos generolo laipsnio suteikimo
  2. Vadovybė: VSAT