Valentin Heins (arithmetic master)

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Tyrocinium mercatorio-aritmeticum , 1785 ( Fondazione Mansutti , Milan )

Valentin Heins (born May 15, 1637 in Hamburg ; † November 17, 1704 there ) was a German arithmetic master .

Heins was the son of a linen weaver, nothing is known about his schooling. From 1651, Heins was allowed to give lessons in commercial arithmetic with the permission of the authorities. In 1658 and 1659, Heins studied theology for a few semesters at the universities in Jena and Leipzig ; But then returned to Hamburg. There he married and in 1661 got a vicariate at the cathedral , d. H. a benefice . It is not known whether Heins had to do any service for this.

In 1670 he became a typist and arithmetic master at the German church school St. Michaelis . He was also an accountant for the Guinean-African Company from 1663 to 1672 .

He wrote several textbooks that made him known beyond the country's borders. They were printed until the beginning of the 19th century, the Tyrocinium mercatorio-arithmeticum alone had 24 editions.

In 1690 Heins founded the art-accounting-loving society with the arithmetic master of the church school of St. Jacobi Heinrich Meißner . This society later became known as the Mathematical Society in Hamburg .


  • Gazophylacium mercatorio-arithmeticum, that is: Treasury of the commercial account , Hamburg 1680.
  • Informatorium Arithmethico Problematicum ex regula alligationis adornatum: This is a thorough instruction how a loyal informant, outside of the inexhaustible well of the so-called Regulae Alligationis, can relieve his disciples of all kinds and ... that is, the heavy burden of information ... , Hamburg 1691 .
  • Abyssus mercatorio-arithmetico-problematica: or a completely new type of information flowing from the inexhaustible regula allegationis in the Hamburg commercial account , 1698
  • Main key to the treasure chamber of the commercial invoice , no place and year.
  • Tyrocinium Mercatorio Arithmeticum: That is: Ordinary basic presentation of the commercial invoice ...


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