Valeriu D. Cotea

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Valeriu D. Cotea (born May 11, 1926 in Vidra , Vrancea County , † April 21, 2016 in Iași ) was a Romanian oenologist .


He studied at the Agricultural and Veterinary University in Iași . He lived and worked here until his death.

From 1976 to 2000 he represented Romania at the International Organization for Vine and Wine (OIV) in Paris . He has been a member of the Romanian Academy since 1993 , a corresponding member of the Academia Internațională a Vinului since 1998, the Academia Italiana della Vite et del Vino since 1986 and the Academie du Vin Suisse since 1987.

He founded and directs the Center for Oenological Research of the Romanian Academy, in Iasi. As a researcher, he promoted collaboration with schools with a similar oenological profile in many countries, including Narbonne , Bordeaux , Montpellier , the University of Burgundy in Dijon , Berlin , the Geisenheim Research Institute , Neustadt an der Weinstrasse , Piacenza , Asti , Porto and Lisbon .

The oenologist Valeriu V. Cotea is his son.


  • with Valeriu V. Cotea, M. Ciubotaru, N. Barbu, PG Magazin, C. Grigoriescu: Podgoria Cotnari (Cotnari Wine Region ) , Editura Academiei Române, Bucharest, 2006 (Honorable Mention from OIV 2009. Category “Descriptive Monographs”, International Organization for vine and wine.)
  • with Valeriu V. Cotea, N. Barbu, C. Grigoriescu: Podgoriile si vinurile României (Vineyards and Wines in Romania) , Editura Academiei Romane, Bucharest, 2001 (OIV Jury Prize, 2001. Category “Monographs and Specialized Scientific Studies” International organization for vine and wine.)
  • with Valeriu V. Cotea, Cristinel V. Zănoagă: Tratat de Oenochimie (treatise on enochemistry)

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  1. ZI DE DOLIU Sat stins din Viata academicianul Valeriu Cotea. A stat cinci zile Internat