Vatican AG (book)

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Vatican AG (Italian original title: Vaticano SpA ) is a non-fiction book by Gianluigi Nuzzi about the flows of bribes that were smuggled through the Vatican bank IOR , as well as the strategy of obscuring and obscuring the Vatican. The book is based on the extensive documents of Renato Dardozzi , the Chancellor of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences , who was commissioned to investigate the scandal within the Vatican. It was published in Italian in 2009 and as a German translation in 2010.


4,000 documents - including letters, confidential messages, memos, minutes, bank statements and accounting slips - were left for the Italian journalist Gianluigi Nuzzi by Renato Dardozzi, an employee of the Vatican Bank. Nuzzi evaluated these documents in months of work and prepared them into a collection of facts, which makes serious accusations against the IOR ( Istituto per le Opere di Religione ) - the official name of the Vatican Bank - in particular and against the Catholic Church in general.

The documents prove that with the failure of the Ambrosiano Bank , the murder of Roberto Calvi and Michele Sindona, and the resignation of Archbishop Marcinkus from the leadership of the IOR, there was still no end in sight to the machinations surrounding the Vatican Bank. On the contrary: a sophisticated system with numbered accounts emerged, several hundred billion lire to and fro. With the IOR, the Vatican had a bank that evaded the usual controls and whose authorized agents as spiritual dignitaries were protected from criminal prosecution by the Lateran Treaties .

In the book "Vatikan AG", Nuzzi shows the machinations of the Vatican Bank and the concealment of the incidents by the Vatican.


It can be assumed that Nuzzi only cites evidence in his book that is undisputed and cannot be challenged, since he was neither charged nor publicly attacked in the aftermath of the book's publication. The book was ignored on Italian television and by some Italian newspapers, although it sold around 250,000 copies in Italy in 2009.

At the time the book was published, the then Pope Benedict XVI. almost the entire supervisory board of the IOR. The Italian media attributed the switch to the book's revelations.


"The 350-page work (published by ecowin) paints a moral picture of how a network of money and power was spun in the name of God."

- Fritz Pessl : Salzburger Nachrichten

“With the help of the documents, Nuzzi was able to precisely reconstruct the background to the scandals surrounding the Vatican Bank, which rocked Italy since the late 1970s, and show that the bank continued to pursue illegal activities after its criminal machinations were uncovered, acted clandestinely and with great vigor Investigations sabotaged. "

“In fact, there is little new about the book, which became the number one best-seller in Italy but received only moderate coverage in the press. [...] The author's classifications and conclusions often go wrong. The characterization of past and present Vatican actors does not always suggest familiarity with Vatican circumstances. It is also noticeable that Nuzzi refers to the bestselling author David A. Yallop and his revelatory opus "In the Name of God" several times for historical depictions . "

- Johannes Schidelko : Domradio


  • Vaticano SpA Dodici edizioni da un archivo segreto. La verità sugli scandali finanziari e politici della chiesa . Milan 2009.
  • Vatican AG. A secret archive reveals the truth about the Church's financial and political scandals. Translation by Friederike Hausmann, Petra Kaiser, Rita Seuss. Ecowin Verlag , Salzburg 2010, ISBN 978-3-902404-89-3
  • Vatican AG. A secret archive reveals the truth about the Church's financial and political scandals. Translation by Friederike Hausmann, Petra Kaiser, Rita Seuss. Goldmann Verlag , Munich 2011, ISBN 978-3-442-15680-1

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Markus Rohrhofer: Insight into the secret world of God's money launderers. Der Standard , March 25, 2010, accessed August 14, 2013 .
  2. Patricia Arnold: Vatican Bank: Head rolls after new revelations. Neue Zürcher Zeitung , October 4, 2009, accessed on August 14, 2013 .
  3. Mafia funds laundered in the Vatican Bank ( Memento from August 14, 2013 in the web archive )
  4. Reinhard Jellen: Glasnost at the Vatican Bank? Telepolis , October 7, 2010, archived from the original on August 17, 2014 ; Retrieved August 14, 2013 .
  5. Johannes Schidelko: More details on old scandals about the IOR: Insights into the "Vatican AG". Domradio , June 7, 2010, accessed on August 14, 2013 .