Veranus of Cavaillon

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St. Veranus

Veranus of Cavaillon (French: Saint-Vrain or Saint-Vérand ; * around 520 in Gevaudan , † around 590 in Cavaillon ) had been bishop of Cavaillon since 585 . In France he is in some places the patron saint of shepherds and shepherds .


Gregory of Tours (538-594) mentions some of Veranus 'miracles - he chased away the dragon Couloubre , who lived in a cave in the Vaucluse area and devoured the farmers' sheep; he is also said to be driving devils. In Fontaine-de-Vaucluse he founded a hermitage near the famous spring. He was ordained bishop in 585 and attended the Synod of Mâcon .


A church was built over the bishop's grave in Fontaine-de-Vaucluse, but it was destroyed at the end of the 10th century; In today's church there is a simple sarcophagus of the saint. Around the year 1000, a large part of the relics came to Jargeau near Orléans , where a church was consecrated to him, which was later renamed Saint-Étienne . Some of the relics also came to Albenga in Liguria ; In the cathedral there is a glass coffin with a reclining figure of the saint. Only a few churches in Brittany and the Marne region as well as several parishes in France are named after the saint:


Medieval representations of the saint are unknown; In the few modern depictions he is mostly depicted in the bishop's robe and with a bishop's staff, but there is also a depiction as a hermit.

Web links

Commons : Veranus von Cavaillon  - Collection of images, videos and audio files