
from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
State : SwitzerlandSwitzerland Switzerland
Canton : Canton of TicinoCanton of Ticino Ticino (TI)
District : Locarno districtw
Municipality : Centovallii2
Postal code : 6657
Coordinates : 692 511  /  113313 coordinates: 46 ° 9 '54 "  N , 8 ° 38' 11"  O ; CH1903:  six hundred and ninety-two thousand five hundred and eleven  /  113313
Height : 711  m above sea level M.
Residents: 20 (2007)


Verdasio (Switzerland)
w w w

Verdasio is a small mountain village in Centovalli . Since October 1st, 2009 it has belonged to the Ticino municipality of the same name .


The place is 711  m above sea level. M. and still has around twenty permanent residents (2007). The village is a popular destination for hikers. Below the village is a station of the Centovalli Railway .

The station on the Centrovalli Railway


In the Middle Ages, the village formed a vicinanza (neighborhood) with Golino and Intragna , the first statutes of which date from 1365 (revised 1469). It had the right to delegate a representative to the council of the Pieve of Locarno.


Baroque house
  • The village image is classified in the inventory of protected sites in Switzerland (ISOS) as a site of national importance in Switzerland.
  • Parish Church of Santi Giacomo Maggiore and Cristoforo, built in 1578
  • Oratory Madonna di Comino or della Segna on the Monti di Comino (1176 MuM)
  • Casa Tosetti (17th century)
  • Casa Cavalli, formerly Maggetti
  • Casa de Martini (1685)


Web links

Commons : Verdasio  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. List of sites of national importance , directory on the website of the Federal Office of Culture (BAK), accessed on January 10, 2018.
  2. a b c d e Simona Martinoli u. a .: Guida d'arte della Svizzera italiana. Edited by the Society for Swiss Art History. Edizioni Casagrande, Bellinzona 2007, ISBN 978-88-7713-482-0 , p. 218.
  3. ^ A b c d e Elfi Rüsch: Distretto di Locarno IV. Ed. By the Society for Swiss Art History. Bern 2013, ISBN 978-3-03797-084-3 , pp. 234–243.