Viadrina Compliance Center

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The Viadrina Compliance Center ( abbreviated: VCC ) is a research facility at the European University Viadrina under the direction of Bartosz Makowicz . Projects relating to compliance management and integrity are successfully carried out at the interdisciplinary VCC. The facility consists of two essential parts: the Viadrina Compliance Center (VCC) with the integrated Research Department for Security Management and Corporate Security (FORSI).

Outline and goals

Viadrina Compliance Center (VCC)

The VCC deals scientifically and critically with the phenomenon of compliance in Germany and at the international level. The work of the facility is characterized by treating compliance from various perspectives, including academic and interdisciplinary. The findings from law, business administration and sociology are linked. The VCC maintains close contact with all those involved from the various interest groups.

Research Department for Corporate Security and Security Economics (FORSI)

The FORSI was incorporated into the Viadrina Compliance Center on January 1st, 2015. It was founded in 1999 by Rolf Stober as a security industry research center and, before being incorporated into the VCC, it was also run at the German University for Continuing Education (DUW) in Berlin. As a result, the activities of the VCC are also supplemented by compliance issues such as corporate security and security management (compliance security). FORSI deals with all operational and corporate security aspects. For example, with the commercial, operational, advisory and infrastructural security aspects of the security service provider companies. In the FORSI investigations, the legal and security fields in the area of ​​tension between independent private security and security organized under public law are considered. The security requirements for the economy are increasing drastically due to the current developments. The background to this is that the internal and external threats to companies continue to increase. Corruption, espionage, theft and IT crime are just a few of the threats. The FORSI's task is to scientifically deal with the overall topic in connection with all these aspects and to systematize them.


A large number of researchers and a team of academic staff work at the Viadrina Compliance Center. The director of the VCC is Bartosz Makowicz . The researchers are Sonja Wüstemann, Jan C. Joerden , Anna Schwarz, Christoph Brömmelmeyer , Rolf Stober and Nicole Schwarz.

Promotion of young talent

The VCC promotes younger generations. There are dissertation projects for which supervision is provided as part of research. In addition, courses on compliance topics are offered at the European University Viadrina .

Research activity

The Viadrina Compliance Center carries out various research projects with the aid of which the existing compliance concepts are put to the scientific test, new concepts are developed and a scientific contribution is made to the further development of the compliance culture. Scientists from various subjects are involved in the work and this serves to consider compliance as an interdisciplinary matter.

The activities of the Viadrina Compliance Center are based on dealing with compliance issues and security issues from an intra- and interdisciplinary perspective. This means that both different areas of law ( private law , labor law , criminal law , criminology , constitutional law , administrative law ) and economic areas ( business administration , economics ) are included. The facility's work is carried out on a project-by-project basis in interdisciplinary research teams.

Think-Tank The VCC works with the help of the so-called think-tank model, which is based on the fact that scientific approaches also have a strong practical relevance. The practical relevance offers the possibility to bring real experiences of the economy into the scientific processing of the topic. In addition, this enables scientific concepts to be tested for their feasibility and practicability. The VCC works closely with other institutions and organizes various conferences and congresses that serve as an exchange platform for representatives from science, business, government institutions and politics. The facility also works with strategic partners on projects.

Projects (selection)

Compliance and Integrity Competency Package (CIK)

The aim of the project is to promote integrity and fairness in business practices. As part of the project, a basic model for compliance management systems (CMS basic model) is being developed, which should be novel and at the same time take existing approaches and requirements into account. Guidelines are also to be drawn up to support the work of compliance officers. The project also includes expert workshops and webinars that are used for exchange and communication of results.

The order of the security market (OSiMa)

The project is a joint venture with the Brandenburg Institute for Society and Security (BIGS) as the consortium leader. The consortium consists of the Fraunhofer Institute for Open Communication Systems (FOKUS), the European University Viadrina , the Friedrich Schiller University Jena , the University of Potsdam and the BDSW Federal Association of the Security Industry . It has a special focus on the private security industry and deals with the possibilities of the private security market, innovative services and the organization of these services. Also with technological developments and the possible influence of these on market development.

ISO standardization work

Participation in the DIN working group for ISO 19600 Compliance Management Systems and ISO 37001 Anti-bribery Management Systems.


The VCC is represented on the Compliance Committee of the Warsaw Stock Exchange . The aim of the cooperation is to promote a compliance culture in Polish companies and to anchor compliance in the Good Governance Code published by the stock exchange.


Close contact between the VCC and the Southeast-German Center of Excellence for Public Policy and Good Governance at Thammasat University in Bangkok. Implementation of projects to promote compliance development and corruption prevention in Southeast Asia.

Events (selection)

Viadrina Compliance Congress (VCC)

Annual event in cooperation with the Compliance Academy. On two days of the event, representatives from science, politics and business will be given space for discussions on various topics related to compliance.

FORSI Security Days - formerly Security Business Days (SiWiTa)

The tradition of hosting this event began as early as 2000 under the name of the 1st Hamburg Security Trade Law Day. The move of FORSI to the Viadrina Compliance Center expanded the range of events. Various scientific and practice-related topics will be discussed during the event.

Cologne Compliance Panel (CCP)

The VCC works with the Bundesanzeiger Verlag and the Compliance Academy at this event. The Cologne Compliance Panel is held in Cologne up to twice a year and deals with medium-sized compliance issues.

German-Polish Forum for Law and Economics (FoWirt)

The German-Polish Forum for Law and Economics has been held annually since 2010 and offers a platform for German and Polish business and corporate lawyers, representatives from business and science. Government representatives, members of national and international organizations, associations and people involved in national and European legislation also take part in the event.


Intensive course Approved Compliance Officer for a practice-oriented introduction to the topic of compliance and teaching of the most important tools and compliance methods. VACO is suitable for people who are interested in the profession of compliance officer or who already practice this profession.

Publications (selection)

  • Bartosz Makowicz, Global Ethics, Compliance and Integrity - Yearbook 2018 . Specialized media law and economy, Frankfurt 2018, ISBN 978-3-8005-0009-3 .
  • Bartosz Makowicz, Practical Guide Compliance Management , 17th edition. Bundesanzeiger Verlag, Cologne 2019.
  • Bartosz Makowicz, Global Compliance Management Standards , Munich 2018, ISBN 978-3-406-68096-0 .
  • Bartosz Makowicz, Compliance Management - Principles and practical tips for introducing a value-based CMS. Bundesanzeiger Verlag, Cologne 2017, ISBN 978-3-8462-0945-5 .

Web links