Vicente Ferreira da Silva

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Vicente Ferreira da Silva

Vicente Ferreira da Silva (born February 3, 1916 in São Paulo , † April 19, 1963 in Guarujá ) was a Brazilian philosopher and author . Ferreira da Silva was one of the first authors in Brazil to study mathematical logic . He was assistant to the philosopher and logician Willard Van Orman Quine when he was in Brazil.


Vicente Ferreira da Silva studied law at the Faculdade de Direito do Largo de São Francisco and graduated with a bachelor's degree. However, he did not practice as a lawyer, but devoted himself to philosophy. He was married to the poet and translator Dora Ferreira da Silva . They received intellectuals and writers in their home in São Paulo. Together with João Guimarães Rosa , Agostinho da Silva , Oswald de Andrade , Enzo Paci , Julian Marias , Vilém Flusser and Saint-John Perse , he formed a working group.

As a philosopher he was influenced by the thinkers and authors Martin Heidegger , Willard van Orman Quine , Schelling , Jacob Böhme , Novalis , Hölderlin , Nietzsche , Louis Lavelle and TS Eliot .

He himself, in turn, influenced people such as Miguel Reale, Delfim Santos, Vilém Flusser, Agostinho da Silva, Eudoro de Sousa, Heraldo Barbuy, Renato Cirell Czerna, Guimarães Rosa, Leonardo Van Acker, Oswald de Andrade and Newton da Costa.

In 1954 he was accepted into the scientific advisory board of Rowohlt's German Encyclopedia . In 1955 he founded the magazine Diálogo with his wife Dora and Milton Vargas, which was published until his death . In the early 1990s, interest in Ferreira da Silva and his work was reawakened. From 2009 a multi-volume complete edition of his writings was published.

Silva died in a car accident at the age of 47.


  • Lógica Moderna (1939)
  • Elementos de Lógica Matemática (1940)
  • Ensaios Filosóficos (1948)
  • Exegese da Ação (1949 e 1954)
  • Ideias para um Novo Conceito de Homem (1951)
  • Teologia e Anti-Humanismo (1953)
  • Instrumentos, Coisas e Cultura (1958)
  • Dialética das Consciências (1950). ISBN 978-85-8806275-7
  • Dialética das Consciências - Obras completas (2009)
  • Lógica Simbólica - Obras completas (2009)
  • Transcendência do Mundo - Obras completas (2010)

His writings have not yet been translated into German or English.


  • Ricardo Vélez Rodríguez: Vicente Ferreira da Silva: O homen ea sua obra. In: June 2003 (Brazilian Portuguese, originally published in the Revista Brasileira de Filosofia , São Paulo, Volume 31, No. 123, 1981, pp. 198-222).;
  • Gabriela Fehr: A redescoberta do mito, ou a poesia como desvelamento do Ser, na obra de Vicente Ferreira da Silva . In: Sísifo . tape 1 , no. 8 , 2018 (Brazilian Portuguese, ).
  • Antonio Vargas: German Blood on Brazilian Boden: Race and Myth in Vicente Ferreira da Silva . Rosenzweig Minerva Center Seminar, 2019, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, pdf

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Latin American Philosophy . Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy August 14, 2013
  2. Philosophy et Culture: Actes du XVIIe congrès mondial de philosophie , Volume 3, 1988, Constança Marcondes Cesar, pp. 279–282, , Le Concept de mythe chez Vincente Ferreira da Silva ( French)
  3. Rodrigo Petrônio: A redescoberta da filosofia no Brasil III - Vicente Ferreira da Silva. In: Dicta & Contradicta, September 1, 2010, accessed May 25, 2020 (Brazilian Portuguese, interview).
  4. ^ Sofia Inês Albornoz Stein: Willard Van Orman Quine: the exaltation of the 'new logic' . In: Scientiae Studia . tape 2 , no. September 3 , 2004, doi : 10.1590 / S1678-31662004000300005 (Brazilian Portuguese).
  5. Dora Ferreira da Silva. In: Instituto Moreira Salles, accessed May 25, 2020 (Brazilian Portuguese).
  6. ^ Hennrich, Dirk-Michael: A Luso-Brazilian walk through the 'travel library' by Vilém Vilém Flusser: Bodenlos, Flusser Studies 11
  7. Susanne Klengel, Holger Siever (ed.): The third bank. Vilém Flusser and Brazil. Contexts - Migration - Translations. Königshausen & Neumann, Würzburg 2009, ISBN 978-3-8260-3687-3 , p. 41.
  8. Enivalda Nunes Freitas e Souza: “Você é a Dora? Eu sou o Guimarães Rosa ”- Encontros míticos do escritor mineiro com a poeta paulista Dora Ferreira da Silva . In: Em Tese . tape 22 , no. 2 . Belo Horizonte 2016, p. 157-174 , doi : 10.17851 / 1982-0739.22.2.157-174 ( ).
  9. ^ Constança Marcondes César: O Grupo de São Paulo. Imprensa Nacional Casa da Moeda, Lisboa 2000.
  10. Donizete Galvão, Floriano Martins: Dora Ferreira da Silva: diálogos sobre poesia e filosofia, recordando Vicente Ferreira da Silva . In: Agulha - Revista de Cultura . No. 36 , October 2003 (Brazilian Portuguese, [accessed May 25, 2020]).