Victor Loret

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Victor Clément Georges Philippe Loret (born September 1, 1859 in Paris , † February 3, 1946 in Lyon ) was a French Egyptologist .


Victor Loret, son of the organist Clément Loret , studied with Gaston Maspero at the École pratique des hautes études . In 1881 Loret went to Egypt , where he worked at the Mission archéologique française in Cairo until the end of 1885 . For some time he worked for the Egyptologist Eugène Lefébure on the inscriptions from the Valley of the Kings and other Theban tombs. From 1886 to 1897 he taught Egyptology at the University of Lyon . From 1897 to 1899 he was General Director of the Egyptian Antiquities Authority . In the years 1898 and 1899 he discovered the graves of the pharaohs Thutmose I ( KV38 ), Thutmose III at short intervals . ( KV34 ) and Amenophis II. ( KV35 ), three of the oldest and most important tombs in the Valley of the Kings. From 1900 to 1929 he taught again at the University of Lyon.


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