Victor Schlegel

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Stanislaus Ferdinand Victor Schlegel , also Viktor, (born March 4, 1843 in Frankfurt an der Oder ; † November 22, 1905 in Hagen ) was a German mathematician.

Schlegel studied at the University of Berlin from 1860 to 1863 . In 1866 he became a teacher in Breslau , then in Stettin (where he was a colleague of Hermann Grassmann ) and in 1868 in Anklam, and from 1869 was a senior teacher at the grammar school in Waren an der Müritz . In 1881 he received his doctorate in Leipzig under Felix Klein (The elements of modern geometry and algebra). From 1886 he was a teacher at the trade school in Hagen and from 1896 professor at the higher machine school in Hagen.

He campaigned for the spread of Hermann Grassmann's expansion calculus, a geometric algebra and a forerunner of the vector calculus, and wrote a biography of Grassmann. Felix Klein's book on Grassmann's theory was criticized for not embedding it in the main geometric trends of the time, especially projective geometry, which Schlegel made up for in the second part of his presentation of Grassmann's theory.

In 1884 he was elected a member of the Leopoldina .

In 1894 he presented at the summer general meeting of the American Mathematical Society an essay on the geometric problem of determining the point with the minimum sum of the distance from several given points (previously discussed by Charles-François Sturm , among others ). At the Martin Schilling publishing house in Leipzig, which published mathematical models for schools and universities, he published wire models for four-dimensional polyhedra (that is, for their three-dimensional projections).

The Schlegel diagram is named after him.


  • David E. Rowe : Debating Grassmann's Mathematics: Schlegel versus Klein, Mathematical Intelligencer, Volume 32, 2010, Issue 1, pp. 41-48.
  • Obituary by Gustaf Eneström , Bibliotheca Mathematica 1905, p. 421


  • System of space theory. According to the principles of Grassmann's theory of expansion, presented as an introduction to the same, 2 volumes, Teubner 1872, 1875, volume 1 , volume 2
  • Textbook of elementary mathematics, volume 1, Wolffenbüttel: Zwissler 1878, archive
  • Hermann Grassmann, his life and works, Brockhaus 1878, archive
  • Theory of homogeneously composed spatial structures, Nova Acta Leopoldina, Volume 44, 1883, No. 4, pp. 343–459 (Schlegeldiagrams) Archives
  • Projection models of the six regular four-dimensional bodies and the four-dimensional four-sided prism, Waren 1886. Listed in: Catalog mathematical models for higher mathematical teaching, Verlag Martin Schilling, Leipzig, p. 31–34 Archives
  • On the problem of the minimum sum of the distances of a point from given points, Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society, Volume 1, 1894, pp. 33-52. On-line
  • A contribution to the history of mathematics over the past fifty years, Zeitschrift für Mathematik und Physik, Volume 4, 1896, pp. 1–21, 41–59.

Individual evidence

  1. Michael Toeppel (Ed.), General Directory of Members of the German Mathematicians Association 1890–1990, Munich 1991
  2. Victor Schlegel in the Mathematics Genealogy Project (English)Template: MathGenealogyProject / Maintenance / id used
  3. ^ Member entry by Victor Schlegel at the German Academy of Natural Scientists Leopoldina , accessed on February 16, 2016.