Polyspotted frogfish

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Polyspotted frogfish
Polyspotted frogfish (Antennarius multiocellatus)

Polyspotted frogfish ( Antennarius multiocellatus )

Order : Armfinch (Lophiiformes)
Subordination : Sensorfish-like (Antennarioidei)
Family : Frogfish (Antennariidae)
Subfamily : Antennariinae
Genre : Antennarius
Type : Polyspotted frogfish
Scientific name
Antennarius multiocellatus
( Valenciennes , 1837)

Polyspotted frogfish ( Antennarius multiocellatus ), also known as the Caribbean eye spot angler , is a 24 centimeter long representative of the frogfish (Antennariidae). It belongs to a group of closely related species to the painted frogfish ( Antennarius pictus ).


The polyspotted frogfish is taller than most of its relatives. It can be brown, yellow, red, orange or pink in color. Polyspotted frogfish mimic sponges in shape and color . Dark spots on the side and the dorsal fin are reminiscent of the sponges' outflow openings. There are almost always three offset black spots on the caudal fin. Like other frogfish, they can change color. The second dorsal fin spine is covered by a thick skin and forms a large head hump with it.


The fish live in the western Atlantic , from Bermuda , the Bahamas , the Florida coast , in the Caribbean to the coast of Central America , Colombia , Venezuela and along the coast of Brazil to Salvador . An isolated population exists at the island of Ascension in the central South Atlantic. Polyspotted frogfish are always close to sponges at depths of one to 65 meters.


Web links

Commons : Polyspotted Frogfish ( Antennarius multiocellatus )  - Collection of images, videos and audio files