Four modernizations

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The Four Modernizations ( Chinese  四個 現代化  /  四个 现代化 , Pinyin sìge xiàndàihuà ) is an economic reform program that can be traced back to the Chinese Prime Minister Zhou Enlai . At a meeting in Shanghai in January 1963, he set the modernization of agriculture , industry , defense and “ science and technology ” as the goals of the People's Republic of China .

The implementation of the "Four Modernizations" began in 1978, two years after Mao Zedong's death, under Deng Xiaoping as head of the Chinese Communist Party .

Beginnings of the reform policy

The reform and opening of China began in December 1978, at the 3rd plenary session of the 11th Central Committee, as Deng Xiaoping himself as a future " Outstanding leaders prevailed" in China. At that time, Hua Guofeng was Mao Zedong's successor and chairman of the Chinese Communist Party . Deng's goal was to oust the successor of Mao Zedong from state power and to enforce his ideas about economics and politics. At the 3rd plenum of the 11th Central Committee, Deng gave a speech that was a controversy about Maoist leadership culture. In this speech he condemned the Cultural Revolution and put China's focus on economic development. In a later speech, he presented Deng's social goal of a strong economy with efficient administration and great skepticism towards democratic experiments as follows:

“The social order in Singapore can confidently be described as excellent. There is a strict system of administration and control there. These are experiences that we should adopt and improve. Historical experience has shown that our political power can only be consolidated through dictatorship. Actually, we should let our people enjoy democracy. But in order to be superior to our enemies, we have to practice dictatorship - the democratic dictatorship of the people. "

Failure to take democracy into account resulted in a democratic movement that was promoted by Beijing citizens' posters on Chang'an Street , condemning Mao. Deng initially supported the wall of democracy because its main pressure was directed against Hua Guofeng and the conservative forces in the government.

In 1979, under Deng's leadership, a series of events such as the Tian'anmen protests on April 5, 1976, the cultural revolution and the campaign against the right were condemned and their victims rehabilitated; Only those events in which Deng was directly involved were left out. By rehabilitating the victims, Deng was able to get more supporters of his own line into high party and government positions, ousting many members of the Hua camp from their posts. Ultimately, a report on economic planning by Hua Guofeng was used as an excuse to show his inability to rule. In August 1980 he was forced to hand over his post as Prime Minister to Zhao Ziyang, one of Deng's potential successors. Gradually, all other functions were also taken away from him and he was sent into retirement. Thus the way was free for Deng's goal of opening up China and reform policy.

Four modernizations

Agriculture, industry

The economic boom began with the restructuring of agriculture . In the system of the people's communes , grain quotas were supplied to the state at fixed prices, but the farm workers were paid without any incentive and fair payment for their services. This system did not produce any economic success. So the people's communes were abolished in 1982 and the municipalities took their place as the lowest administrative level. The land of the people's communes was now divided into private parcels, and in the household responsibility system ( Chinese  家庭 聯產承包 責任制  /  家庭 联产承包 责任制 , Pinyin Jiātíng liánchǎn chéngbāo zérènzhì ) locally responsible persons for the profits and losses of the companies under them responsible, whereby the system of the iron rice bowl was preserved. With lease contracts of 5, 10 or 15 years, the farmers were now able to make profits on their own responsibility and independently, with a fixed grain tax rate to the state.

This change resulted in a significant increase in the standard of living for large parts of the population. Between 1981 and 1984 rural production increased by 9% and China became a country of small farmers again . This reform enabled farmers to further specialize. Not only grain was grown, but also cotton and wood or fish ponds were created. Due to the steadily increasing prosperity, the demand for luxury goods such as B. clothes, household appliances, color TVs, refrigerators that have become status symbols. This boom prompted innumerable start-ups of private companies to meet the demand. The per capita income in rural areas multiplied and rural businesses grew by an average of 28% per year and employed around 100 million people.

In 1984 the budget responsibility system was applied to cities. There the state-owned companies were restructured to replace the people's communes in the countryside. In the cities, these became industrial conglomerates, which are centrally controlled and unperturbed by economic criteria. It was a sales guarantee system with fixed wages and non-terminable jobs. The state enterprises with an industrial production of 75% were not only economic enterprises, but also an important part of the socialist society. With their planned economy, state enterprises stood for the supply and security of the people. As with the same procedure in the country, managers were now appointed who were responsible for their own production and were able to generate profits independently. A fixed planned amount still had to be given to the state.

From 1984, private municipal companies with a maximum of seven employees were permitted. In 1988, however, all restrictions were lifted. Countless small businesses formed during this time. At the same time, market prices were gradually released and an income tax was introduced in 1983. In this way, China managed to become a real market economy within a few years.

Opening to the outside

The third element of the reform policy involves opening up to the outside world. In 1979 the People's Republic of China and the USA established official diplomatic contacts. Deng Xiaoping went on a media trip to the United States, which expanded foreign trade.

Another measure was to allow foreign investment in China. Four special economic zones have been set up for foreign investors . These included: Shenzhen , Zhuhai , Shantou and Xiamen .

Deng Xiaoping succeeded through negotiations with the British government, the return of Hong Kong and thus to reintegrate into the Chinese mainland , but on the principle: " One country, two systems ". In addition, 14 cities were opened to foreign companies as free trade zones and technology parks.

After a period of isolation under Mao Zedong, a new era ( 新 时代 , xīnshídài ) began in China , with the focus on opening up to the outside world and economic liberalization. A new cultural revolution was underway and China found itself in "culture fever". The "scar literature" ( 伤痕 文学 , shānghén wénxué ), which emerged at the time of the Cultural Revolution, was grossly criticized. Films such as “Yellow Earth 1984” ( 黃 土地 , huáng tǔdì ) or “Red Cornfield” in 1987 (( 高粱 , Hóng Gāoliang  - “Red Millet”) were also released in order to overcome socialist realism .

In addition to films and books, television also played an important role. In 1978, 2% of Chinese households had a television set, in 1988 it was 30% and in cities up to 95% of the population. The television series "Flusselegie" ( 河 殇 , Héshāng ) was a documentary film series which was broadcast on CCTV . This film was about the story of a declining civilization that mirrored the history of China. In the Ming times, China closed itself off and went into isolation - the Yellow River symbolizes this. The only way to free yourself from this situation is to turn to the blue sea, to open up to the world. An opening to the world has already taken place through the entry of western goods in so-called friendship shops in which one only pays with "Foreign Exchange Certificates".


In 1978, Chinese civil rights activists, including Wei Jingsheng , called for a "fifth modernization", democracy , on the wall of democracy. But the Chinese government prevented this with repressive measures. Deng Xiaoping and the party leadership had Wei and other activists arrested for 15 years on charges of espionage.

Despite the “Four Modernizations”, the Chinese Communist Party continues to pursue its basic principles: 1. the socialist line, 2. the dictatorship of the proletariat, 3. the leadership of the CCP and 4. Marxism-Leninism.


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Reform or decline . In: Der Spiegel . No. 14 , 1992, pp. 178-179 ( Online - Mar. 30, 1992 ).
  2. Deng Xiaoping and China's reform and opening policy on