Viktor Luithlen

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Viktor Luithlen (born May 20, 1901 in Vienna ; † November 14, 1987 there ) was an Austrian musicologist .


The son of a senior civil servant received his doctorate in musicology in 1927 after training as a pianist at the University of Vienna with a thesis on Johannes Brahms . After working for several years at the Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde in Vienna , he moved to the Kunsthistorisches Museum in November 1938 , where in 1939 the collection of old musical instruments , which was reorganized under pressure from the National Socialists, was removed from the collection for plastic and applied arts and with the holdings of the Gesellschaft für Musikfreunde and the Aryanized Rothschild Collection was presented in the Palais Pallavicini . Here he regularly organized so-called house music on historical instruments and also performed as a pianist himself. From 1943 Luithlen was head of the collection of old musical instruments. Due to the war, the exhibits were moved to a salt mine near Bad Ischl . Luithlen, who had been an NSDAP party candidate since January 1938 , was classified as a minor offender after the end of the war in December 1945 and was thus able to take up his work with the return of the exhibits from Bad Ischl. From the spring of 1947, a reorganization began in the premises of the Neue Burg under the de facto management of Luithlens. In 1952 he was formally appointed director of the collection of ancient musical instruments. The renowned musicologist was also involved in the redesign of Mozart's birthplace in Salzburg (from 1950). In 1960 he was elected President of the newly established International Committee for Museums and Collections of Musical Instruments (CIMCIM). He retired as director of the collection in 1966/67.

Works (selection)

  • Johannes Brahms' works in the form of variations. Vienna, dissertation, 1926 (abbreviated in StMw 14 [1927]).
  • Old musical instruments. The collection of the Kunsthistorisches Museum in the Neue Burg zu Vienna. Vienna, H. Bauer-Verlag, 1954
  • Editions: C. Ditters v. Dittersdorf in Monuments of Music Art in Austria (DTÖ) 81 (1936).
  • Catalog of the collection of old instruments. 1st chapter. String pianos 1966. (Reprint 1978)



  • Beatrix Darmstädter, Rudolf Hopfner, Alfons Huber: The collection of old musical instruments of the Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna - The first 100 years: Volume of reports on the Zentenar Symposium. Praesens Verlag, Vienna 2018, ISBN 978-3-7069-0939-6
  • Stephan Tourmalin: The collection of old musical instruments of the Kunsthistorisches Museum. Mandelstamm, Vienna 2018, ISBN 978-3-85476-821-0

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