Villum Clausen

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Villum Clausen Kelou (* 1630 in Rønne , Bornholm ; † 1679 ibid) was a Bornholm freedom fighter.

The Printzensköldstein in the Storegade

In 1658 he led the Bornholm rebellion against the Swedish government after the Peace of Roskilde that same year. In order to avoid the arrest by the Swedish lord of Bornholm, Johan Printzensköld , Villum Clausen shot him in the Storegade in Rønne that same year, according to legend, with a pistol loaded with a silver button . However, the veracity of this legend is doubtful. In the Storegade in front of the Bornholms Gymnasium , at the place where Printzensköld was probably killed, the Printzensköldstein is still located today. At that time, Villum Clausen's grocery store was nearby.

Rønne's council elected him city treasurer in 1668 . However, after three years he was dismissed from this post because he refused to give an account.

In 1677 he was fined heavily for this crime, but whether he had to pay it is unclear.

Other famous freedom fighters of that time were: Peder Olsen , Poul Anker and Villum Clausen's brother-in-law, Jens Pedersen Kofoed .

A BornholmerFærgen catamaran ferry between Ystad and Rønne was called Villum Clausen .

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