Vinay Ambegaokar

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Vinay Ambegaokar (born January 16, 1934 in Nagpur ) is an Indian-American physicist who deals with theoretical solid-state physics.

Ambegaokar studied at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology with a bachelor's and master's degree (1956) and received his doctorate in physics from the Carnegie Institute of Technology under Walter Kohn (Electromagnetic properties of insulators from a many particle point of view) in 1960 . As a post-doctoral student he was at the Niels Bohr Institute until 1962 . In 1962 he became Assistant Professor and 1968 Professor at Cornell University , where he became Goldwin Smith Professor .

He deals with the theory of superconductors ( Josephson junction and its temperature dependence, destruction of superconductivity in disordered films and wires, etc.), superfluids (films made of helium 3 and 4), disordered systems and semiconductors, transport of electrons through quantum dots.

In 1983/84 he was a Guggenheim Fellow at the University of California, Santa Barbara , and in 1990 with a Humboldt Research Award at the University of Karlsruhe . He was also visiting scholar at All Souls College, Oxford, the Collège de France (whose medal he received in 1986), the Brookhaven National Laboratory , the Raman Research Institute in Bangalore, the IIT Kanpur, the Bell Laboratories and the University of California, Santa Barbara . From 1969 to 1971 he was director of the Institute for Theoretical Physics at the University of Helsinki (whose medal he received in 1971) and in 1976/77 he was a visiting scientist at the Thomas J. Watson Research Center of IBM . He is a Fellow of the American Physical Society (1979). From 1965 to 1967 he was a Sloan Research Fellow . In 2015 he received the John Bardeen Prize.

Fonts (selection)

  • Thermal Resistance Due to Isotopes at High Temperatures, Physical Review, Volume 114, 1959, p. 488
  • with James S. Langer : Friedel Sum Rule for a System of Interacting Electrons, Physical Review, Volume 121, 1961, p. 1090
  • with Leo Kadanoff : Electromagnetic Properties of Superconductors, Nuovo Cimento, Volume 22, 1961, p. 914
  • with A. Baratoff: Tunneling Between Superconductors, Physical Review Letters, Volume 10, 1963, p. 486, Erratum Volume 11, 1963, p. 104
  • with Ludwig Tewordt: Theory of the Electronic Thermal Conductivity of Superconductors with Strong Electron Phonon Coupling, Physical Review, Volume 134, 1964, A 805
  • with Allan Griffin: Theory of the Thermal Conductivity of Superconducting Alloys with Paramagnetic Impurities, Physical Review, Volume 137, 1965, A 1151
  • Ultrasonic Attenuation in Pure Strong-Coupling Superconductors, Physical Review Letters, Volume 16, 1966, p. 1047
  • with JS Langer: Intrinsic Resistive Transition in Narrow Superconducting Channels, Physical Review, Volume 164, 1967, p. 498
  • with BI Halperin : Voltage Due to Thermal Noise in the DC Josephson Effect, Physical Review Letters, Volume 22, 1969, p. 1364
  • with BI Halperin, JS Langer: Hopping Conductivity in Disordered Systems, Physical Review B, Volume 4, 1971, p. 2612
  • with N. David Mermin : Thermal Anomalies of He3: Pairing in a Magnetic Field, Physical Review Letters, Volume 30, 1973, p. 81
  • with Pierre-Gilles de Gennes : Landau-Ginsburg Equations for an Anisotropic Superfluid, Physical Review A, Volume 9, 1974, p. 2676
  • with BI Halperin, DR Nelson, Eric D. Siggia: Dynamics of Superfluid Films, Physical Review B, Volume 21, 1980, p. 1806
  • with U. Eckern: Coherence and Persistent Currents in Mesoscopic Rings, Physical Review Letters, Volume 65, 1990, p. 381
  • with M. Troyer: Estimating errors reliably in Monte Carlo simulations of the Ehrenfest model, American Journal of Physics, Volume 78, 2010, p. 150
  • Reasoning about luck: Probability and its uses in physics, Cambridge UP 1996, Dover 2017

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Life data according to American Men and Women of Science , Thomson Gale 2004
  2. ^ Physics Tree