Vittorio Amedeo Ranuzzi de 'Bianchi

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Cardinal Ranuzzi

Vittorio Amedeo Cardinal Ranuzzi de 'Bianchi (born July 14, 1857 in Bologna , Italy , † February 16, 1927 in Rome ) was Bishop of Recanati-Loreto and later Cardinal Curia of the Roman Catholic Church .


Vittorio Amedeo Ranuzzi de 'Bianchi studied at the University of Bologna the trays Catholic theology , philosophy and law . He holds a PhD in Catholic theology as well as civil law and canon law . He received on 14 May 1880, the sacrament of Holy Orders , and then worked as a pastor, teacher and spiritual director in Bologna . In 1899 Pope Leo XIII appointed him . advisor to the Apostolic Nunciature in France and awarded him the title of Papal House Prelate . With one of his last official acts before his death Pope Leo XIII appointed him. Bishop of Recanati-Loreto on June 22, 1903. The episcopal ordination received Vittorio Amedeo Ranuzzi de 'Bianchi by Cardinal Vicar Pietro Respighi , co-consecrators were Giuseppe Constantini and Rafael Merry del Val .

Pope Pius X appointed him titular archbishop of Tire in 1911 and head of the papal treasury. Pope Benedict XV appointed him shortly after his election to the chair of Peter as papal majordomo . On December 4, 1916 he accepted Vittorio Amedeo Ranuzzi de 'Bianchi as cardinal priest with the titular church of Santa Prisca in the college of cardinals . Vittorio Amedeo Cardinal Ranuzzi de 'Bianchi attended the conclave of 1922 .

He died in Rome on February 16, 1927 and was buried in his family's crypt in Bologna.

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