Volker Gransow

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Volker Hans Gransow (born April 29, 1945 in Karlshöfen ; † November 6, 2015 in Berlin ) was a lecturer in sociology at the Free University of Berlin , editor of the online journal "kulturation" and lecturer at the Berlin School of Economics and Law .


His doctorate and habilitation took place at the Free University of Berlin |. As an author and translator he was a. a. working for the argument . In the summer and autumn of 1991 it was part of its editorial team. He participated in the Berlin KulturInitiative'89, which today publishes the online journal Kulturation.

Between 1986 and 2000, Gransow worked mostly in North America as a visiting professor ( Berkeley , Stanford , various universities in Toronto ) and dealt with comparative research on Germany and Europe under cultural sociological and political-sociological aspects. He also conducted research on the concepts of communism research and the sociology of technology. Since 2008, he worked in research and teaching on matters of human security ( human security ) as well as the entertainment culture of the Third Reich. He was also a publicist, writer and translator (English-German / German-English).



  • Cultural Policy in the GDR. Berlin: Spiess, 1975.
  • Viktor Agartz (with Michael R. Krätke ). Berlin: Working World, 1978.
  • Conceptual changes in communism research. Frankfurt: Campus, 1980.
  • The autistic walkman. Berlin: Working World, 1985.
  • Uniting Germany (Ed. With Konrad Jarausch ). New York: Berghahn, 2006.
  • Relationship stories (ed. With Elka Tschernokoshewa). Bautzen: Domowina, 2009.


  • Cultura politica e politica di governa della socialdemocracia. In: Laboratorio Politico, H. 3/1981 (with Claus Offe).
  • De DDR ano 1986: styled before de storm? In: Oost Europa Verkennigen, H. 12/1987.
  • The woman as the future of the man. On dandies, sexuality and the concept of the political. In: Sexuologie, H. 2–3, 2004.
  • Beyond caricature and travesty. In: Blätter für German and international politics, H. 6/2011.

Contributions to dictionaries

  • Keyword "progress". In: Cultural Policy Dictionary. Stuttgart: Metzler, 1983 (with Heinz-Dieter Kittsteiner).
  • Keyword "Agnes Heller". In: The Biographical Dictionary of Neo-Marxism. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1985.


  • Todd Gitlin: ABC's "America". In: Blätter für Deutsche und Internationale Politik, H. 6/1987.
  • Detlef Michel / Volker Ludwig: From Now On You're Called Sara. University College Drama Program. Toronto 1993 (with David Blostein, Pia Kleber).
  • Raymond Federman: A Bilingual / Bisexual A to Z Poem. In: Lettre International, H. 4/1997.

Literary texts

  • Dream heroes and sport girls. In: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, June 7, 2000.
  • The balancing act in the triangle. Berlin: Elefanten Press, 1996 (co-author).
  • WWWord for [email protected]. In: Lettre International, H. 4/1997.
  • Ex. Separation stories. Berlin: Elefanten Press, 1997 (co-author).
  • Your bum. In: "www.erotisches-zur-nacht.de", July 10, 2011.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Obituary by Werner van Treeck in Das Argument 314, p. 462.