People's will (KPÖ)

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Volkswille printing works in the Volxhaus ( Margarete Schütte-Lihotzky )

The Volkswille was a party newspaper of the KPÖ in Carinthia , which existed from 1945 to 1989.

The Volkswille first appeared as a weekly newspaper on October 30, 1945 . From January 5, 1946, the newspaper was published twice a week and from February 2, 1946 three times a week. From November 3, 1946, Volkswille appeared as a daily newspaper . At the same time, printing moved from the Stadler printing company in Villach to the newly founded Kärntner Volksverlag in downtown Klagenfurt . Simon Kompein, Josef Nischelwitzer, Loisi Turko and Hans Kalt took over the editorial management.

In 1949, a publishing and printing house was built on the Südbahngürtel in Klagenfurt according to plans by Margarete Schütte-Lihotzky , the Volkswille House. However, since the Volkswille recorded rapidly falling subscriptions and sales, printing in Klagenfurt was soon discontinued: from May 1, 1952, the Volkswille appeared as a cover sheet for the Volksstimme in Graz, and from February 1971 printing was relocated to the large printing house of Globus Verlag in Vienna. In 1994 the Volkswille House was placed under monument protection due to its historical and cultural significance.

With the popular vote in 1990, the will of the people was discontinued.


Individual evidence

  1. a b will of the people. Austrian National Library , accessed on April 24, 2015 .
  2. ^ Carinthia: from the German border mark to the Austrian federal state. Pp. 315-316 , accessed April 24, 2015 .
  3. Daniel Jamritsch: Left Down in Carinthia. Communists in the south of Austria . Hermagor - Vienna 2018, ISBN 978-3-200-05879-8 , p. 44 .
  4. The last of the Mohicans. Retrieved April 24, 2015 .
  5. ^ Comrade Hans Kalt died on March 1st in Vienna. KPÖ , accessed April 24, 2015 .