Włatcy Móch

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Television series
Original title Włatcy móch
Country of production Poland
original language Polish
Year (s) 2006-2011
length 20 minutes
Episodes 127 + 1 specials in 9 seasons
genre Comedy , animation
idea Bartosz Kędzierski
First broadcast November 14, 2006 on TV4

Włatcy Móch (German The Lords of the Flies , written with misspellings in Polish) is a Polish television series that is about the adventures of four class 2B children in a Polish school . The adventures take place in her school, in her modern tree house and in the cemetery where the zombie Czesio lives. The title of the series comes from William Golding's novel Lord of the Flies and is also a reference to Beelzebub .

In Poland the series runs on TV4 .


main characters

  • Anusiak - the politician (from the Latin word anus , which means the anus ). His father is a politician (because of the colors of his father's suits, it can be assumed that Anusiak's father is a member of the Polish Samoobrona party ). He gets a pair of socks every Christmas. He also suffers from an allergy, which is why his nose is constantly runny.
  • Maślana - the banker (in German " Buttermilch " , Polish for "coal"). He thinks that money can buy anything. His parents opened a bank account for him for his eighth birthday .
  • Czesio - the zombie. He feels more comfortable after his death because he has previously suffered from various diseases. Czesio is the most polite and well-behaved of the group, but he is a little difficult to understand. He lives in the cemetery. His best friend is the " curse bear" ( miś przekliniak ). His favorite song is Gożkie rzale (correctly spelled: Gorzkie żale (Bitter Lamentation), a melancholy Polish passion devotion ).
  • Konieczko - the inventor (from Polish konieczny , which means necessary ). He loves experiments (especially with mice). He's an atheist and stutters a little.
  • Mrs. Frał - the teacher (Polish Pani Frał , pronounced Fraw , with English w ). She is 70 years old and believes that all children are good. She hates the four boys. Besides, she is still a virgin.
  • The nurse (Polish: Higienistka ) - loves all children because she has no child herself. She helps everyone, especially the four boys. She is a widow. Her late husband Marcel is lying in the same cemetery where Czesio lives. In her spare time she plays the blues on the electric guitar.

Other figures

  • Andżelika - the 11 year old comes from the USA and is in the 2nd grade because of a student exchange program between Poland and the USA. She hates the 4 guys.
  • Marcel - like Czesio, is a zombie. He lives in the cemetery with his best friend - the colonel. He committed suicide. His wife was the nurse.
  • The Colonel - lives in the same cemetery as Marcel. He took part in World War II .
  • The bus driver - is a satanist . He is present at black masses.
  • The priest - has a caffeine allergy.
  • The nun - looks exactly like woman "woman". She teaches religion in class. Just like woman "woman", she hates boys.
  • Uncle Alfred - is an anatomy doll in Ms. Frał's class that Czesio took into his heart.
  • Zajkowski is a classmate who sits in class, but is never seen in the series. He doesn't like the four "Włatcy" and is Andżelika's friend.
  • Karolina Andżelika's best friend.


1st season

1. The Maślana map (Karta Maślany)

The topic of today's lesson is discipline. The students are not allowed to make a sound and because of the silence Czesio's ear falls off, which is why he has to see the nurse, who clings it back to him with a stapler. For her eighth birthday Maślana got a bank account and a check card. At school he proudly shows the card to the others during class. Ms. Frał takes the card from him and tells Maślana that he will only get the card back when his parents visit her in person. The boys want to prevent this and use an old television box and a car tire to build a tree house as a base station, in which they devise a plan for how the card can be stolen from Ms. Frał's house. Everyone swarms out and looks for something useful. Anusiak comes back with a ladder and Maślana with a stocking mask. Konieczko brings a periscope ("to look"). Czesio's contribution is the arm of the zombie Marcel, who moves his fingers when you pull on the protruding nerve endings ("to grab hold of") and with it the boys try to steal the card through the window of the sleeping woman Frał. On the second attempt, an earbug pinches Anusiak, causing him to drop the ladder and wake Ms. Frał to the noise. While she is giving the boys a lecture and wants to know where they got their arm, the doorbell rings. The undead Marcel is standing there and wants his arm back. The next morning Maślana has his card back. (on the DVD the episode is called Maślanas Scheckkarte (Debet Maślany))

2. My name is Anusiak (Nazywam się Anusiak)

The topic of today's lesson is "What I want to be when I grow up". Konieczko wants to become an inventor, Maślana banker, Anusiak politician and Czesio singer with his favorite song Gożkie rzale . During class, Anusiak pokes fun at each other's last names. His friends therefore never want to see him at the base again. Anusiak doesn't care and goes home triumphant. The three other boys want to find a nickname for him so that they can laugh at him as well. Everyone swarms out again: Maślana on the Internet, Konieczko searches in his books and Czesio sends them to the garbage dump. The only one who finds it is Czesio, who finds the word anus for asshole in an old English dictionary . When Anusiak wanted to collect signatures for his candidacy the next morning, the whole school was already laughing at him. During the biology lesson, when Ms. Frał is giving a lecture on irregularly shaped leaves, the others make puffing noises and say that they are from Anusiak. He is sent to the toilet, where signposts direct him to "his room". In the toilet he finds the explanation for the laughter: the English dictionary. He passes out and has nightmares about running under the name Odbyciak (asshole). When he wakes up, he finds himself healed in the hospital room. Remorseful, he returns to the others and asks to be allowed back into the base station if he promises to never make fun of himself again. Czesio has since forgotten the meaning of anusiak and thinks it means "irregularly shaped leaves". When Anusiak asked him to sing his song, he intoned Gożkie rzale with the text Odbyciak .

3. An Order for Maślana (Order dla Maślany)

The boys play World War II. Anusiak is an SS soldier and Czesio is his Jewish prisoner. Maślana and Konieczko fight on the other side. Finally, Anusiak throws a grenade. In reality, however, this is a stone that Konieczko hits in the head, so that they have to take him to the nurse. As a reward for his bravery, she gives him a pipette as a medal. The others now also want such an order and draw a drawing to see which of them will be injured next. To do this, you pat Czesio on the shoulder and bet which eye will fall out first. In the second round of the war game, the SS man Anusiak is placed against the wall by the others and is supposed to be shot. He asks the others why he always has to play the SS man. Maślana replies that on the last birthday of a child, his father said that Anusiak looked like a bawarska golonka (Bavarian pork knuckle). Anusiak doesn't know the word and asks what it is. Konieczko explains to him that this is a German hairdresser (from Polish golić "to shave"). Instead of bullets, staples are now flying from a staple gun to the back of his head. He too has to go to the nurse and is given a rubber bellows. The teacher gives them a lecture and strictly forbids them to continue playing war. As a punishment, they have to do gymnastics. Czesio falls down and breaks his leg. The nurse gives him a pin with the king of the blues - BBKing. Only Maślana gets nothing. But his reflection in the toilet gives him a tip. He is supposed to wedge his tongue in the door and tell the nurse he was tortured as a prisoner of war, but that only gets him one more gym class. During the next break, his reflection advises him to report to the nurse disguised as a seriously injured person, but she sees through his game and again he doesn't get a medal. Finally it occurs to him that he can simply buy their medals from the others. When he goes home with the three medals he has bought, he falls into the sewer shaft and breaks both arms and legs.

4. Uncle Alfred (Wójek Alfred)

Mrs. Frał bought a model of a human body from her parents' donation. Czesio is the only one in the class who takes a liking to him because he is similar to him. He calls him "Uncle Alfred". At home at Maślana the boys play the fantasy board game "Magical Warriors" and draw a lot of who is allowed to start or who takes on which role: They spit against the window pane and the one whose spit reaches the bottom starts first. Czesio wins and chooses the role of an elf. As a mission he wants to save Uncle Alfred, which the others don't like at all, but they let him do it first. When he then kills the Maślana zombie with Uncle Alfred's "magic eggs", the others have enough and he is thrown out of the game. He returns sadly to the cemetery, where he tells Marcel about his grief. He suggests that he simply steal Uncle Alfred and take him to the cemetery if he gives the nurse a fright in return so that she can no longer come to his grave and bring him flowers and play the blues. The boys also decide to steal Uncle Alfred from school at night so that Czesio can calm down. As they stand in front of the classroom, they hear Ms. Frał and watch how she fiddles with Alfred in secret. Suddenly they hear a clang and the cry of Ms. Frał, who then passed out on the floor. While Marcel is stealing Alfred, Czesio brings the letter to the nurse. Later Czesio plays the fantasy dice game with Alfred in the cemetery chapel and is very happy that nobody makes fun of him. The next morning, the teacher threatened to call the police if they didn't bring him back. The boys soon understand that Czesio stole Uncle Alfred, but that suspicion will fall on them because they were at school that night. With Maślana's money they order a new character from the Internet. When the nurse brought beer instead of flowers to her grave the next evening, she heard Czesio's voice from the cemetery chapel. She too has an idea: In her hospital room, she constructs an anatomy doll from a figure of Mary. The next morning there are two figures on Ms. Frał's table: a half-open Maria and a male sex doll.

5. First Communion (Piersza komunja)

Konieczko gets a little mouse named Filipek for his name day and his parents want him to take responsibility and take care of the mouse. Czesio warns the audience in a microphone speech that this episode may contain controversial content and excuses this with the fact that the main characters are still children. First communion instruction takes place in school and everyone should go to church every day and have their visit stamped. Whoever is missing a stamp is not allowed to attend confession and goes to hell. Konieczko doesn't want to take part, because he now has something better to do: He's doing scientific experiments with his mouse. Finally, he learns from his parents that they are very proud that he is so well prepared for communion and that he takes care of Filipek and therefore receives many presents. The next morning the mouse is already dead. Konieczko goes to the cemetery to bury the mouse. Then Marcel comes (as the devil) and makes a pact with Konieczko, for which he gives him all the stamps. The next day everyone has their stamps complete and a slip of paper with their sins. Czesio has a receipt from the supermarket (ie, he even has his sins in gross and net versions ...). At confession, Marcel appears to him as the person in the confessional and he falls into hell. There he only finds darkness and the microphone on which Czesio has spoken his introduction. Since he thinks he's in hell now, he curses for all it takes, but he gets bored quickly because nobody is listening. Eventually he recounts everything he has done, bursts into tears and calls for a friend. Suddenly he is woken up by Czesio. He confessed all of his sins. In the cemetery, Filipek appears to him as an angel. Konieczko apologizes to him and to God for everything he has done. On the way home from communion, they meet Marcel, who is disguised as a mouse seller. They'll get mice from him if they sign a pact ...

6. Andzelika (Andżelika)

Anusiak finds a tampon in his mother's pocket and believes that his mother is trying to kill herself with it. He shows the tampon to his friends, but they don't know what to do with it either and think of it as a kind of cartridge. As of today, there is a new student in the class: 11-year-old Andzelika, who previously lived in the USA. Her parents want to stay in Poland now and so she came to Ms. Frał's class. She is dressed bare-bones, speaks in a sexy breathy voice and greets her classmates with a cool "Hi". Czesio is immediately enthusiastic about her and immediately gets a detention with a cheeky Dzien dobry . When the boys want to test the explosive effect of the "cartridge" on the toilet, Andzelika suddenly comes into the boys 'toilet - everything in the girls' toilet is occupied. She asks the boys for a fire and discovers the tampon. She says that she knows this from her sister and that she could show them what to do with it. But first she wants the guys to show her something in return. They let their pants down and she shows them how to use a tampon. Czesio is utterly horrified that she has no snippet. From then on they - with the exception of Czesio - are in love with her. Because of their red heads, they are first sent to the nurse, but she explains to them that nothing can be done about falling in love. At the bus stop, Andzelika asks if they want to go with her and of course they do. Except for Czesio: he prefers to teach his flies the song Gozkie rzale . Andzelika bothers him in the cemetery and chases away his flies. Czesio is pissed off and tells her that he doesn't like her because she doesn't have a snippet. But she really wants to do something with Czesio. In the next lesson, Czesio chews something. Ms. Frał wants him to spit it out: a fly. When she asks him why he is chewing a fly, he replies that it was too dry. Meanwhile, the other boys are writing notes with Andzelika. She replies that she breaks up with them because she loves someone else. At the bus stop, Czesio is sad that his flies have blown away. Andzelika comes by with a glass of flies and gives it to Czesio. The flies circle around him in a heart shape. But Czesio refuses her gift: because she has no snippet.

7. The witch Shigella (Wiedźma Shigella)

The subject of the lesson is bacteria and viruses. Czesio brings plums to school on his name day. He treats his other friends and Mrs. Frał with the plums. As a result, everyone gets sick - Czesio's plums have caused bacterial dysentery and have to go to the hospital. Maślana gets a computer from his father to the hospital. The boys play a fantasy adventure game with Maślana in which they have to defeat a witch named Shigella (like the bacterial dysentery). The characters look just like them. In the first stage, Maślana has to defeat a fighter who looks like Konieczko and is given chain mail. In the second stage he has to free the druid in a cave, which is however guarded by Marcel. The druid tells him everything about the witch Shigella. In the third stop he buys a roll of toilet paper from the magic weapons dealer in Czesio in the town. When he steps out of the tent, he finds himself in a snowy wasteland, in the middle of which there is a tower that looks like a huge pile of shit. The boys have to change their hospital bed because Czesio made the bed. In the tower Maślana finds the witch Shigella, who looks like Mrs. Frał. He tries to protect himself against them with a protective suit made of toilet paper, but that doesn't help and he is supposed to be flushed down a giant toilet. Then the druid appears and buries the witch under a pile of magical coal. When Ms. Frał visits them the next morning, the druid also appears and buries her under a pile of furniture from the hospital room.

8. The hygienic blues (Higieniczny blues)

The nurse is unhappy. The boys want to help her and go to church to ask God so that the nurse will be happy. God fulfills the prayer and the nurse experiences a lucky streak - she wins 6 million in the Losso lottery and finds a new love. She is still unhappy because of her happiness. The boys pray a second time.

9. The brainwashing (Pranie mózgów)

Anusiak, Konieczko, Maślana and Czesio are watching a film about Hitler and are so excited that they want to do everything just like him. The next morning they attacked a group at the bus stop. Ms. Frał is upset and lets her watch a film about Stalin. Unfortunately that doesn't help, but now they want to be like Stalin: they build the armored cruiser "Aurora" out of the dumpster. Fortunately, the nurse steps in and lets her watch her DVD collection from Speedlife Mission.

10. The milk skin, the milk woman and a cork for the frog (Korzóh, mleczarka i korek do rzaby)

The school introduces the government program "Drink milk, be healthy". A milkwoman comes to school and all students have to drink milk in every free period at school. Of course the boys don't want that. After all, they want to find out if the milkwoman is an alien.

11. Bus and souvenir (Ałtobus i suwenira)

The second class takes a trip to Łopianów. The well-known nature reserve is on the excursion plan. The boys are naughty and Ms. Frał lets them stay on the bus. However, they go to the souvenir shop, where they buy a large club. The bus driver points out that you can kill anyone with this club. Anusiak beats Andzelika with it and she loses her memory. The second time Aniusiak is hit himself. Like Andzelika, he doesn't remember anything. Konieczko and Maślana have to help him.

12. The Museum (Muzełum)

In Łopianów, Mrs. Frał's class visits the museum. Later everyone realizes that this is no ordinary museum ...

2nd season

13. St. Nicholas Day (Mikołajki)

The boys and Andzelika write letters to Santa Claus. The next morning, Mrs. Frał explains that there is no Santa Claus. This is a big disappointment for the boys and Andzelika - everyone cries during the night. Marcel and the colonel want to comfort her. Marcel disguises himself as Nicholas. At the same time, Mrs. Frał visits the nurse at home. She talks to her about St. Nicholas Day. She wants to celebrate a good school ghost day at school. Many problems arise from this.

14. Excavations (Wykopki)

The children go to excavations with the farmer Marian Kalina. With explosions, alcohol and other things, the boys have a lot of fun and experience great adventures.

15. Carnival (Karnawau)

Snow White is on the curriculum as a reading program in the class, but the boys don't like that and would rather watch The Extra-Terrestrial Command instead. Mrs. Frał is planning a costume party in which the girls will dress up as Snow White and the boys as dwarfs. Instead, the three boys dress up like the alien commandos. Only Maślana is disguised as a Snow White figure by his parents! The boys (Maślana too) play that everyone is a mutant and Mrs. Frał is the mutant leader.

16. Romek and his Willi (Romek i jego Fred)

(This episode was not broadcast on Polish television because of its content) - His cousin Romek comes to visit Maślana. He always talks about the Willi scratching. The boys want to know what it is and so Maślana asks the nurse. She explains to them that Romek masturbates and that Willi is his penis.

17. Total control (own control must be) (Maksymalna kontrola)

The school introduces the government program "Total Control". Every student needs to be controlled and there is a robot in the school that is in control. The episode alludes to a program by the former Polish Minister of Education Roman Giertych , which was not introduced.

18. Grandma's Radio (Radyjko Babci)

Anusiak is visiting his grandmother. But all the time she only listens to her favorite radio station from Toruń (this is a reference to Radio Maryja , the Catholic radio program in Poland, which is mostly heard by older women. In Poland, these women are jokingly called mohair hats - Anusiak's grandma also wears a hat Mohair). Grandma and her radio is a real problem that the boys have to solve.

19. Boróh, the leader (Druch Boróh)

Ms. Frał's class goes into the forest as a boy scout. The leader of the group is Boróh. Because of Czesio and his match, the whole forest burns down and Boróh is killed.

20. Barbecue with the cat (Barbakiu z Mruczusiem)

Andzelika celebrates her birthday and invites the boys. Besides them, Zajkowski and Karolina are invited. The boys have no presents. Czesio finds a dead cat, but the cat's head flies off due to an explosion caused by Konieczkos. They make a new one out of Czesio's excrement. Andzelikas dog eats the dead tomcat and gets sick from it, but is helped by the nurse.

21. The Curse Bear (Miś Przekliniak)

Czesio's favorite bear is gone. The boys are trying to find the bear. Unfortunately, it's not as easy as you thought. They make the experience that the "garbage eater" (a homeless person) is not to be trifled with.

22. Behind the scenes (Za kólisami)

this episode is reminiscent of a DVD special, where the actors tell everything about the background of the series.

23. Positive vibrations (Pozytywna wibracja)

Ms. Frał suffers from tension - sexual tension, it turns out. The nurse prescribes "Vibratronix" - a vibrator for treatment - but she doesn't want to use it. Maślana is visiting his uncle and sees how the uncle breaks his chair with his penis. It occurred to Maślana that her uncle could go to Mrs. Frał to help her.

24. Memento Mori (Remember Death) (Memęto Mori)

The boys cannot find themselves in any religion. They try to kill the priest with caffeine. They think the Reformed Church of Andzelika's father sucks. They are invited to the devil at the satanist bus driver's black fair. But there they are thrown out again because Czesio is constantly stealing.

3rd season

25. Caries ( Próhnica )

The school runs the government program on teeth fluoridation. But the four boys don't take part. After the fluoridation, the dentist comes to school to check the teeth. She thinks the teeth of Maślana, Konieczko and Anusiak are worse than Hiroshima. Later it is eaten at Czesio's intestines.

26. The Czesio Case ( Pszypadek Czesława )

Czesio cannot concentrate. The friends would like to help him. Specialist Jan Bonk comes to school and penetrates Czesio's dreams to help him and save his brain. Tragically, Bonk dies in Czesio's dream, but Czesio is back to normal.

27. The Football World Cup ( Móndial )

Maślana bets that Germany will win 6-0 against Poland and win 800 złoty. Later he bets again - this time 8-0 for Austria against Poland and even wins 6400 zloty. After all, he wants to bet one more time, but the Polish football team loses. Ms. Frał leads physical education at school and has an accident. Instead of her, the nurse now leads the lessons as a substitute. The boys want to play soccer. Czesio is a total failure as a goalkeeper. As a joke, he kicks the ball directly at a mosquito that is flying around in the goal and scores an own goal. Mrs. Frał and the nurse want to organize a football tournament. The group will play against Iskra Opole. Maślana founds a football betting agency with friends. He bets Czesio will score 100 goals. Before the game, Czesio sings an indecent anti-soccer song about Iskra Opole ( Iskra Opole, ja iskrę wd *** ę pi *** ę German Iskra Opole, I fuck in the A ****. ). It all ends in a brawl.

28. The Truth of the Screen ( Pravda Ekranu )

The boys watch a love story in which the main characters are killed. The next morning the class visits the theater, where the boys recognize the main characters from the television series. They think these are zombies. Ms. Frał explains that not everything you see on TV is true. Therefore, she wants to exhibit the Wawels kites to show the children the truth.

29.Moped and mouse intestine ( Motorynka i Myszykiszki )

Anusiak's grandpa is almost dead. The grandpa promises him that he will inherit his motorcycle after his death. Anusiak can't wait for grandpa to die and asks God to speed things up. God hears the request and so death comes into the world and takes Anusiak's grandpa with him. Although the whole family is in mourning, Anusiak is happy because he finally gets the motorcycle. He goes to Modlinowo with friends and parents, where his grandfather lived. Anusiak gets the motorcycle and is stopped by the police on the first trip with it. The police believe that the mayor of Modlinowo was killed with this motorcycle. The boys are locked up. Death comes to them, but Czesio can play "mouse gut" with him (what that is is not really explained). Czesio wins and Death takes the motorcycle instead of them.

30. The Fluder ( Fluder )

The "S" class (class for special children) is full. That's why a pupil comes out of it in Ms. Frał's class. His name is Robercik Fluder. Konieczko finds a syringe and the boys want to test it, but Fluder comes over and takes the syringe away from them. During the class, Fluder sprays the liquid from the syringe onto Andzelika. She looks like Czesio afterwards, since the liquid comes from Czesio's body. Andzelika is not recognized by her parents. She goes to the children's house and the boys want to save Andzelika.

31. Hairy Democracy ( Kosmata Demokrancja )

Anusiak's father (likely a member of the Polish Samoobrona party) is running for president. In the class, Ms. Frał organizes the class representative elections. Anusiak and Andzelika take part, but Andzelika wins.

32. The outbreak ( giant )

("Gigant" has two meanings in Polish. Here it is used in the sense of "escape, escape") - Ms. Frał calls the boys' parents to school. Mrs. Frał tells the parents that their children have glued a blue penis to the eagle on the Polish national coat of arms. The boys are punished by their parents, all except Czesio, to whom the colonel and Marcel tell everything about the Polish landmarks. Czesio is in love with the flag. The next morning, Anusiak is unable to sit in the chair because of the pain from the punishment. Later the guys talk about everything and plan to move out of their home and go somewhere. You're getting on the train to somewhere. The boys' mascots want to hear a fairy tale. This is how Czesio tells the story of independence. Everyone listens well. The train has already reached its destination. Konieczko sees the Russian letters in the name of the place. A Russian comes into the compartment to check the tickets. The boys hit him. Because of this situation, Poland has a problem with its mascots being sent to Russia.

33. The exhumation ( Ekskumancja )

Marcel is a little drunk. The others think he's coming from a party. Because of a root he falls and breaks his grave. The nurse comes to the cemetery to visit her deceased husband. She sees the destroyed grave and calls the head of the cemetery. He explains that it happens sometimes. He also tells the nurse to hunt her husband to hell. Ms. Frał's class is visiting the hospital this time. The doctor shows them everything. But there is something extraordinary about him: he looks just like the cemetery manager. The boys believe that they are twin brothers. The four boys do not feel like visiting the hospital with their class and visit it alone. In this way they come to a room where they meet a man who shows them the bodies of the deceased. Everyone becomes rigid with fear. The man steals offal to sell. He places the bodies in the crematorium oven with Marcel's body. Then the Czesios Bear comes to the rescue and asks God to save the boys. God (the triangle with the eye) speaks to him.

34. A Czech, Czesio and Brambor ( Czech, Cześ i Brambor )

Andzelika went to the Czech Republic for an exchange and in return a Czech boy named Honzik came to Poland. Maślana shows his friends his new dog, Rambo. He resolves to bring the dog to school. An accident happened there. In the meantime, Andzelika is walking through Prague with Honzik's parents. They tell her the story about the wolf Brambor. Unfortunately, the story is not a fairy tale.

35. Restless rain ( Deszcze niespokojne )

The nurse does not want to work and goes home and watches old Polish TV series. In all of them she sees the four boys performing. The title The Restless Rain comes from the Polish television series Czterej pancerni i pies (Eng. Proper. Four tank soldiers and a dog ).

36th Fritzi's vaccination ( Szczypionka dla Frycka )
37. Splash-splash ( Kompu-kompu )
38. Puree for the elephant ( Piure dla słonia )
39. The Christmas performance ( Jasełki )

4th season

40. The move ( Pochót )
41. Snot nose ( Mel )
42. Sleigh ride with Próch ( Kólik z Pruchem )
43.Bloody Tuesday ( Krfawy wtorek )
44. Gangsta Disasta ( Gangsta Dewasta )
45. The bee and the math test ( Pździoszczoła i test z majzy )
46. ​​Wet dreams I ( Mokre sny I )
47.Doet Dreams II ( Mokre sny II )
48.Sand cake ( Bapki z piahu )
49.Bruce Lee Style ( Styl Brusliego )
50. The power of wild monkeys ( Moc Dzikih Małp )
51. The Canal ( Kanau )
52. The execution ( Egzekócja )
53. The automat ( Ałtomat )
54.Biological weapons ( Broń biologiczna )

5th season

55th day of the child ( Dzjeń dzjecka )
56. Totendings and camels ( Śmiercicha i cóksy )
57. Boys or Machos? ( Chłopacy czy maczo? )
58. The Olympics of Learning ( Olimiada nałukowa )
59. The secret blade of the samurai ( Tajne Oszcze Samuraja )
60. Green Halus ( Zieluna Haluna )
61. Fire Brigade Boys ( Hłopaki Strażaki )
62. Introduction of Jelro ( Wprowadzenie Jełro )
63.Building site, cake and shotgun ( Bódowa, Placek i Splówa )
64. Master of waste paper ( Miszczu Makratury )
65th fair ( Festyn )
66. Deepest Village ( Wioha )

6th season

67. Higher feeling ( Óczucie wyszsze )
68. The revenge of Zajjo ( Zemsta Zajjo )
69. The night of the living dead ( Noc rzywyh trupóf )
70.Divine Hello ( Boże Halo )
71. The Stroke of Life ( Kreha Rzycia )
72. The interrogation ( pszesóhanie )
73.Black bum paparazzi ( Czarny pijar paparaczi )
74. Nychts as a circus ( Jistny Cyrk )
75th Athletics ( Letkoatletyka )
76. Hjuston, oh you big egg ( Chjóston, yes pierdziu! )
77th Christmas with the class ( Klasowa Wiligila )
78. The Visit ( Wizytancja )
79. Yellow shirt and screwdriver ( Rzułta koszulka i śrubowkręt )

7th season

80. Eternal plague ( Łospa wieczna )
81. The hero's misery ( Żenadera bochatera )
82.Winter in the City ( Zima w mieśdzie )
83. Ice Skating ( Lodowiho )
84. Book my friend ( Ksionszka moim pszyjacielem )
85. Magical powers ( Magiczne moce )
86. Fyrorscht ( Ódópieni )
87.Boys defend the place ( Chłopacy placu broniom )
88.Wonder of Motorization ( Cód motoryzancji )
89. Gays ( Pedałuwa )
90. Mother with Bare Feet ( Matka Bosa )
91. Prohibition Bekana ( Bekana prohibincja )
92. Cruise ( rice )
93. Not even a little ( Ani siór siór )
94. Crap ( Kurd )
95. Penance ( Pokóta )

8th season

96. Little animals ( Zwieżontko )
97.Sick Meat ( Hore mięho )
98. I'm not a digit ( Never jestem cyfrom )
99. Little Fart ( Bonczek )
100th WEWEWE monkey in the zoo ( WUWUWU maupa w zoo )
101. Change of Guard ( Zmiana warty )
102. Resocialization now ( Resocjalizacja jusz )
103.Sugar makes tough people ( Cókier kszepi )
104. The Key of the Stoche ( Klócz bocianuf )
105. Female primroses ( Rzeński Pierwiosnek )
106th KO ( Nokałt )
107. Coffin Nail ( Gwuść do trómny )
108. Brood of Hell ( Spiekua rodem )
109. Little Mouse ( Małamysz )

9th season

110.Damp work ( Mokra robota )
111. Iron steering wheel ( Rzelazna kjerownica )
112. Red button ( Czerwony gózik )
113. Exhausting like ants ( Mrófczy trut )
114. Farmagedon ( Farmagedon )
115th Uncle Choir ( Hur wójuf )
116. At the source ( Ó źródła )
117. The nigger Bambo ( Móżynek Bambo )
118. Paragon of Time ( Paragon Czasowy )
119th Service ( Dyrzór )
120. My father ( Muj Tata )
121. Hydro puzzle ( Chydro za gatka )
122. Come on, we'll show you the stamps ( Choć, pokarzem Ci znaczki )
123. Fiction of Life ( Fikcja życia )
124. Du ju spik inglisz ( Du ju spik inglisz )
125. The safety lever ( Wajha bespieczeństfa )
126th student Sparkasse, Edding and Haunted House ( SKO, flamaster i dom strachów )
127th day of the pilot ( Dzień lotnika )

Special offers

S1. The very best from the first season ( Nailepsieisze debestofy sezon I )


F01. ( Włatcy Móch: Ćmoki, czopki i mondzioły )


  • the titles of the Polish episodes have misspellings showing how the children write.
  • the main characters have no first names , except for Czesio, who has no last name .
  • the parents of the main characters have no heads.

Web links