Walter Dozer

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Walter Dötzer (born March 6, 1911 in Braunschweig ; † after 1956) was a German hygienist and SS storm leader.


Dötzer studied medicine . He had been an SS member since 1933 (membership number 347.121) and since 1937 a member of the NSDAP . He belonged to the Nazi lecturers' association and the Nazi medical association.

From 1937 Dötzer worked as assistant to Wilhelm Pfannenstiel at the Hygiene Institute in Marburg . In 1939 he joined the Waffen SS . As a member of the hygiene institute of the Waffen-SS , Dötzer was sent to the Buchenwald concentration camp in autumn 1939 together with the SS doctor Andreas Schuller to investigate a raging epidemic there. In this human experiments with concentration camp inmates performed.

In 1943 Dötzer became deputy head of office in Office XVI of the main command office of the medical inspection of the Waffen-SS. Dötzer completed his habilitation in 1943 with the thesis Disinfection, Disinfection and Disinfestation , which the SS included in its series of work instructions for clinics and laboratories of the hygiene institute of the Waffen-SS (edited by Joachim Mrugowsky ).

After the end of the war, Dötzer was released. From 1954 to 1956 he was assistant to the Fulda branch of the Marburg Hygiene Institute.


  • Ernst Klee : The dictionary of persons on the Third Reich. Frankfurt / Main 2003, ISBN 3-10-039309-0 .
  • Thomas Werther: Typhus research in the German Reich 1914–1945. Studies on the relationship between science, industry and politics with special consideration of IG Farben. Marburg 2004 (dissertation) digitized version (PDF file; 1.09 MB).

Individual evidence

  1. Thomas Werther: Typhus research in the German Reich 1914–1945. Marburg 2004, p. 55.