Walter Felber

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Walter Felber (born December 5, 1945 in Vienna ) is an Austrian coffee house and city ​​draftsman .


Walter Felber was born on December 5, 1945 in Vienna. After his training at the University and the Technical University in Vienna and a short stay in southern Germany, Graz became his main place of residence from 1975. From now on Felber is active in six different professions in Graz, Innsbruck and Vienna. With the dissertation “Monograph of the industrial city of Brno” at the University of Vienna , he obtained his doctorate and shortly afterwards he completed his second degree in spatial planning at the Technical University (TU) Vienna in monument preservation . Walter Felber teaches "Environmental Technology in Urban Development" at the Graz University of Technology at the Institute for Urban Development and at the Institute for Experimental Architecture at the University of Innsbruck, is a stone restorer, but sees his most important area of ​​responsibility as an environmental engineer.


The draftsman Felber is committed to recognizability and realism . However, dates and remarks up to the edge of picture stories give an authentic personal impression and open up background recognition and character for the viewer up to the vicinity of the caricature . Quick drawings approach at the speed of a minute and, as with Toulouse Lautrec, often open up astonishing views. Once a year, by invitation, he works for a week as a city draftsman in a European urban or rural municipality (in 2005 in Poitiers, France ). Often he is hired as a draftsman at parties, celebrations and conferences and is often seen on the train, at class reunions, in restaurants at the table next to regulars and on other occasions suddenly pulling out crayons, charcoal, chalk or paint. Due to the weather and the environment, the coffeehouse becomes Felber's special topic - after the death of Georg Eisler he is Austria's last (living) coffeehouse draftsman (“The last action painter”, according to the culture magazine “Graz currently”) - this is how he creates snapshots, often portrays in few minutes. Walter Felber himself: "The attraction is in the moment".


Walter Felber's pictures have already been shown in several temporary exhibitions. Often, however, his works are permanently present to a steadily growing group of interested parties as space-creating objects in generally accessible rooms, such as in restaurants, in coffee houses, etc. You can find them in Graz in the Café Sorger (Jakominiplatz), in the Felberstüberl in the Gasthaus Mohrenwirt, in the legendary Theatercafé (Mandellstraße) and in Vienna in the tavern "beim Czaak" (Postgasse 15). The art calendar “People and Landscapes”, published annually at the end of October, has been available for 13 years with a limited, hand-signed edition of 111 pieces.

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