Walter Goddijn

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Goddijn (middle) (1968)

Johannes Jacobus Oscar ("Walter") Goddijn (born February 12, 1921 in Leiden ; † January 4, 2007 in Haghorst ) was a Roman Catholic priest , Franciscan , religious sociologist , professor and influential employee of the Dutch bishops. Because of the latter, he was not called "the Dutch Pope" without anger.

life and career

Walter Goddijn had been a Franciscan since 1941 and a priest since 1947. He studied the sociology of religion and received his doctorate with a thesis on Catholics and Protestants in Friesland. After that he was active as a journalist: books on celibacy , Cardinal Alfrink and Pope Paul VI. , Church Renewal, The Future of the Churches and What's Up with the Church in Holland? have been translated, also into English, French and Italian.

After working in the Dutch ecclesiastical province, Goddijn became professor for sociology of religion in Tilburg . He died after a period of illness in his home town of Haghorst, a village in North Brabant .

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