Gentry Lee

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Gentry Lee

Gentry Lee (* 1942 ) is an American science fiction writer.

He became known as the co-author of various science fiction novels by Arthur C. Clarke . The three joint sequels of the novel Rendezvous with Rama (dt. Rendezvous with 31/439 ), which Arthur C. Clarke wrote in 1972, are particularly well known . Together, the four books form the so-called Rama cycle.

After his last collaborative work with Arthur C. Clarke Rama Revealed (Eng .: Nodus), Lee wrote three more science fiction novels, two of which are set in the Rama universe ( Bright Messengers (Eng .: messengers of light) and Double Full Moon Night ).

From 1977, Gentry Lee was chief engineer of the Galileo project at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena (California) , whose space probe reached Jupiter in December 1995 . Lee was also involved in the Viking probe's Mars mission .

From 1978 to 1981 Lee developed the popular science television series Cosmos together with the astronomer Carl Sagan . It has been broadcast in over sixty countries and has won numerous awards, including three Emmys .

In 1988 Lee took a leave of absence from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory to devote himself to his writing. However, he continued to work in an advisory capacity at NASA . He now lives near Dallas , Texas with his wife, Stacey, and seven sons .


Rama cycle

(with Arthur C Clarke)

Single novels

  • The Cradle of the Future , 1989, ISBN 3-453-03312-4 , Cradle , 1988 (with Arthur C. Clarke)
  • Messengers of Light , 1997, ISBN 3-404-24222-X , Bright Messengers , 1995
  • Double Full Moon Night , 1999
  • The Tranquility Wars , 2000


  • Cosmos: The Story of Cosmic Evolution, Science and Civilization , 1980 (with Carl Sagan)
  • Rama: The Official Strategy Guide , 1996
  • A History of the Future , The History of the Twenty-First Century , 2001 (with Michael White)


Web links