Walter Thimme

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Walter Thimme (born November 4, 1936 in Bielefeld ; † November 9, 2019 in Berlin ) was a German doctor and journalist .


Walter Thimme is the son of the German Protestant theologian Hans Thimme . He grew up in Bielefeld, in the immediate vicinity of the v. Bodelschwinghschen Anstalten Bethel . The contact with the patients aroused his interest in medicine early on. After graduating from high school in 1956, studying medicine in Tübingen, Vienna and Göttingen, he completed his medical assistantship at Johannes Hospital in Bielefeld and at Augustana Hospital in Chicago. From 1965 he worked as an assistant and senior physician in the internal medicine department of the Steglitz Clinic of the Free University of Berlin under the direction of Max Schwab . There he did research mainly on questions of intensive care medicine. In 1969, together with Wolfgang Dissmann and Hans-Jürgen Buschmann, he moved to the Westend Clinic for two years to set up an intensive care unit for the cardiac surgeon Emil Sebastian Bücherl . During this time, the three doctors did pioneering work in the field of internal intensive care medicine . After being recognized as a specialist in internal medicine, he completed his habilitation in 1972 on hemodynamic, respiratory and metabolic changes in septic shock and was appointed professor of internal medicine. On October 1, 1979, he became chief physician of the 1st internal department of the Humboldt Hospital in Berlin-Reinickendorf, which he headed for 22 years. After retiring in 2001, he worked for a few years in Klaus Neye's cardiology practice in Berlin-Tegel.


As verbeamteter chief physician Walter Thimme was obliged in 1981 with other doctors from the Berlin Senate to Germany as part of a far carried out hunger strikes by RAF -Häftlingen in the JVA Moabit a force-feeding conduct. The three doctors were able to persuade the hunger strikers to agree to an infusion treatment with glucose and amino acids, but abandoned these measures after 12 days due to ethical concerns. In an open letter and an interview with Spiegel, they write that they refuse to “take responsibility for a situation whose solution can only be sought on a political level”.

Walter Thimme was a staunch advocate of independent medical training and the disclosure of all conflicts of interest in medicine. Since the 1970s he has worked as an author for the critical and advertising-free newspaper Der Arzneimittelbrief and published it from 1986 to 2012 together with Dietrich von Herrath . In 2006, together with the editors of the Arznei-Telegram and the BUKO Pharma-Campaign , he initiated the consumer magazine Gute Pillen - Schlechte Pillen , which is also ad-free and is aimed at medical laypeople with independent information on medicines.

Walter Thimme was co-founder and from 2000 to 2007 chairman of the board of the Berlin Heart Attack Register eV This association conducts health services research in the Berlin-Brandenburg region and advocates improvements in the prevention, detection and treatment of heart diseases.


Individual evidence

  1. a b Berlin Medical Association Press Office: Chamber Conference 2011: Walter Thimme and Manfred Richter-Reichhelm honored with the Georg Klemperer Medal. September 2, 2011, accessed November 17, 2019 .
  2. Axel Jeschke, Hans-Wolfgang Sternsdorff: SPIEGEL conversation "Wouldn't you say that is murder?" April 13, 1981, accessed on November 17, 2019 .
  3. The Medicines Letter: About Us. Wolf-Dieter Ludwig, Jochen Schuler, accessed on November 17, 2019 .
  4. ^ The Medicines Letter: On our own behalf. Wolf-Dieter Ludwig, Jochen Schuler, January 2018, accessed on November 17, 2019 .
  5. Good Pills Bad Pills: History of Development With daring and enthusiasm - or how GPSP came about. Retrieved November 17, 2019 .
  6. ^ Berlin-Brandenburger Herzinfarktregister e. V .: What does the B2HIR do. Retrieved November 17, 2019 .
  7. EB: Honored. August 7, 2000, accessed November 17, 2019 .