Wassian Patrikejew

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Wassian Patrikeyev ( Russian Вассиан Патрикеев , Вассиан Косой ; Василий Иванович Патрикеев ; also: Knit Wassian Kossoi ; Vasily Ivanovich Patrikeyev , Vassian Patrikeyev , * ~ 1470; † 1531-1545) was a Russian clerics , politicians and writers. Patrikeyev traced his descent to Prince Patrikas of Korela and Gediminas the Grand Duke of Lithuania .


Political activity

As one of the leaders of the boyars , he supported the Tsarevich Dmitri Ivanovich , the grandson of Ivan III. , in the power struggle against Vasily , the son of Sofia Palaiologa , the second-born grandson.

In ecclesiastical matters, the boyars were close to heretical and freedom-loving circles.

1499 received Ivan III. Knowledge of the conspiracy against Vasily and had Dmitri Ivanovich and others incarcerated. Vasian Patrikeev was forced to go to the monastery and was banished to the Kirillo Belozersky monastery .

Church career

In the monastery Patrikeev met Nil Sorski , became his student and was absorbed in his philosophy. In 1503 he went to Moscow with Sorski , where they took part in a council ( sobor ). In this council the two demanded forbearance for heretics and opposed Joseph von Wolokolamsk (Iossif Wolozki), which led to a dispute which is evidenced by personal letters.

Under the rule of Vasily III. Patrikeev gained an important status. Due to his growing influence, he was able to save numerous heretics from severe punishment. At one point even the tsar forbade Volotsky to defame Patrikeev. Warlaam , a confidante of Sorski, was later elected metropolitan with the support of Patrikeev .

Around 1517 Patrikeev began his work on the revision of the so-called Kormchaya kniga (Кормчая книга - Kormčaja kniga; book of guidelines; canon law ), a code of ecclesiastical decrees and laws of the Byzantine emperors . 1518 came Maxim the Greek from Athos as a supporter and gathered a number of oppositionists , including Patrikeev.

In 1523, however, a follower of Volotsky, the Hegumen Daniel von Wolokolamsk, was elected metropolitan and soon afterwards a persecution of the opposition began.

Patrikeev's influence began to wane, partly due to Patrikeev's open disapproval of Vasili's divorce. In 1531 Patrikeev was summoned before a council. Metropolitan Daniel accused him of having processed the Kormchaya kniga without permission and of having introduced Hellenistic ideas; he showed him the deletion of passages which established the monastery's right to property ; insulting miracle workers like Makarius Kalyazinsky and Metropolitan Jonah ; and “Heretical Lines” in his translation of Symeon Metaphrastes ' Life of Mary . The council found Patrikeev guilty and sent him to the hostile Joseph Volokolamsk monastery , where he died a decade later.

Patrikeev's date of death is uncertain. According to Andrei Michailowitsch Kurbski , he died a violent death in 1545 at the latest.


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  • Павлов А., Полемич. сочинения инока князя Вассиана Патрикеева (XVI ст.), "Православн. собеседник" 1863. (Russian: Pavlov A., Polemitsch. Patrjosjewnik.
  • Архангельский А., Нил Сорский и Вассиан Патрикеев, СПБ, 1882, Будовниц И. У., Рус. публицистика XVI в., M.-Л. 1947. (Russian: Archangelski A., Nil Sorski i Wassian Patrikejew, SPB, 1882, Budowniz IU, Rus. Publizistika XVI)
  • Казакова Н. А., Вассиан Патрикеев и его сочинения, M.-Л. 1960; Иосиф Волоцкий, Послания ..., Подготовка текста А. А. Зимина и Я. С. Лурье, M.-Л., 1959. (Russian: Kasakowa NA, Wassian Patrikejew i ego sotschinenija, M.-L. 1960; Iossif Wolozkij, Poslanija ..., Podgotowka teksta AA Simina i Ja.S. Lurje, M. -L)
  • М. Зарезин. Последние Рюриковичи и закат Московской Руси.-М. 2004. (Russian: M. Saresin. Poslednije Rjurikowitschi i sakat Moskowskoi Russi.-M)
  • Казакова Н. А. Вассиан Патрикеев и его сочинения. 1960. (Russian: Kasakowa NA Wassian Patrikejew i ego sotschinenija)
  • Словарь книжников и книжности Древней Руси. Вторая пол. XIV — XVI в., Часть 1. Ред. Д. С. Лихачёв. 1988. (Russian: Slovar knischnikow i knischnosti Drewnei Russi. Wtoraja pol. XIV-XVI w., Tschast 1. Red. DS Lichatschow)

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