Vasily Dmitrievich Bokarev

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Vasily Dmitrievich Bokarew ( Russian Василий Дмитриевич Бокарев * 10. April 1904 in Moscow , † 8. August 1966 ) was a Soviet theater - and film - actor .

Life and theater career

Vasily Bokarew came from Moscow. His father († 1940) worked for the Perlow trading company , his mother († May 20, 1942) was a housewife. He attended a business school and from 1921 worked in the budget department of the Moscow City Soviet . He later worked as a controller for the state insurance company.

In August 1925 Bokarew began training at the Moscow film school and ended selbige in 1930. From 1938 to 1940 he headed amateur performances at an NKVD -Schule to obtain chemically among others productions of Alexei Arbusows The long road and Viktor Mikhailovich Gusev Славa ( Slava ). After the outbreak of the German-Soviet War , he got a job as a lathe operator at the Krasnaja truba ( Krasnaja truba ) plant, but due to his mother's illness, he left Moscow and looked after her until her death. Then Bokarew was active as the head of the Mamonov community soviet and was drafted into the Red Army in 1942. First he staged stage programs as a reservist, the performance of Konstantin Simonov's Русские люди ( Russkije ljudi ) was even awarded a prize by the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Chuvash ASSR . In September 1944, Bokarev was assigned to the chemical battalion of military unit 20640. He took part in the liberation of Warsaw and the Battle of Berlin .

After demobilization in October 1945, Bokarev joined the State Theater of Cinema Actors . Among the best known pieces with his participation , poverty is not a vice of Alexander Ostrovsky , Дети Ванюшина ( Deti Wanjuschina ) by Sergei Alexandrovich Naidjonow, The Young Guard by Alexander Fadeyev 's novel, Нахлебник ( Nachlebnik ) by Ivan Turgenev , Флаг адмирала ( Flag Admirala ) by Alexander Petrowitsch Stein, Flattergeist based on Anton Chekhov's short story and The Mandate by Nikolai Erdman . In addition to his stage work, he was active in public relations and was a member of the theater committee.

By this time Bokarew had built a good reputation as an actor, but he suffered increasing as a result of his alcoholism . Since he appeared drunk at his workplace several times, he was fired in June 1953. After rehab in December of the same year, he was fired again due to a relapse in June 1959. After almost 2 years of unemployment, in April 1961 Bokarew received an employment contract with the film studio " M. Gorky " . He retired in April 1964.

Vasily Bokarev was married, but the marriage remained childless. He died at the age of 62 in the summer of 1966.

Film career

In 1926 Bokarew was seen for the first time in film, he made his debut in the mystical drama Медвежья свадьба ( Medweschja swadba ), based on a play by Anatoly Lunacharsky, produced a year earlier . The period film Крылья холопа ( Krylja cholopa ) followed in the same year . Bokarew gave other notable roles until the outbreak of the war in the German-Soviet coproduction Salamander (1928) and in Моряки защищают Родину ( Morjaki sashchishayut Rodinu , 1932). During this time he appeared in front of the camera for various film studios, but after the war he often worked for Mosfilm . He gave his most important post-war roles in Пржевальский ( Prschewalski , 1949), Mainacht (1952), Lost in the Ice Sea (1954) and Resurrection (1960). With the Wehrmacht officer Brückner in The Young Guard (1949) and Bryndin in The Cricket (1955), Bokarew also embodied two roles in front of the camera that he had already played in the theater. In the short film  Переполох ( Perepoloch , 1954), another Chekhov adaptation , he was seen as a doctor. The Moscow resident said goodbye in 1962 in the third part of the film series Мы вас любим ( My was ljubim ).

Bokarew appeared, always as a supporting actor, in a total of 53 films. Due to his aristocratic appearance, he was mainly subscribed to the roles of military personnel, officials and doctors.


For his services in the Red Army, Bokarew received the Order of the Red Star (No. 12) on April 12, 1945 . He was also the recipient of the medal “For the liberation of Warsaw” , the medal “For the capture of Berlin” and the medal “Victory over Germany” .

Filmography (selection)

  • 1926: Ivan the Terrible  (Krylja cholopa)
  • 1927: The Kiss of Mary Pickford  (Pozelui Meri Pikford)
  • 1929: Salamander (Salamandra)
  • 1940: the first president  (Jakow Swerdlow)
  • 1947: The way to the KO  (Pervaya pertschatka)
  • 1947: Cruiser Varyag  (Kreiser "Varyag")
  • 1947: Spring (Wesna)
  • 1948: It all started in the blue express  (Pojesd idjot na wostok)
  • 1948: The Young Guard  (Molodaja gwardija)
  • 1949: Kuban Cossacks (Kubanskije kasaki)
  • 1952: Sadko's Adventure (Sadko)
  • 1952: May Night (Maiskaja Notsch, ili utoplenija)
  • 1954: Lost in the Arctic Ocean (More studjonoje)
  • 1955: The Cricket (Poprygunja)
  • 1957: Early Joys (Pervyje radosti)
  • 1957: The wrestler and the clown (Borez i kloun)
  • 1958: The Idiot (Nastassja Filippovna)
  • 1960: The journey leads to Le Havre  (Mitschman Panin)
  • 1960: Resurrection (Woskresenije)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Biography of Vasily Bokarews on (Russian), accessed on July 27, 2020
  2. Film data for Медвежья свадьба on (Russian), accessed on July 27, 2020
  3. Vasily Bokarev's filmography on (Russian), accessed on July 27, 2020
  4. Vasily Bokarev's biography on (Russian), accessed on July 27, 2020