Alexander Nikolayevich Ostrowski

Alexander Nikolajewitsch Ostrowski ( Russian Александр Николаевич Островский ; scientific transliteration Aleksandr Nikolaevič Ostrovskij ; * March 31st July / April 12th 1823 greg. In Moscow ; † June 2 jul. / June 14, 1886 greg. In Shchely ) was a .kowo in Schchely Russian playwright. He wrote 47 plays (seven of them together with other authors) and "almost single-handedly created a repertoire of original Russian plays".
Ostrowski was the firstborn of four children of a court clerk. His mother died when he was nine years old. The family lived in Samoskvorechye , the merchant and artisan settlement of old Moscow. In 1835 he entered the First Moscow High School. This was followed in 1840 by studying at the law faculty of Moscow University , which he gave up in 1843. At the request of his father, he then worked in various law firms as a clerk.
Ostrowski's earliest literary attempts go back to 1843. In 1849 he completed his first comedy The Bankruptcy , which was published in 1850 under the title It remains in the family in the Moskvityanin . In order for the piece to be included in the first collection of his works (1859), he had to change several positions at the request of the censors.
In 1851 Ostrowski resigned and devoted himself entirely to his artistic work. His first dramas were very successful on Russia's stages. Since the state held the theater monopoly and the authors often had to forego their salaries so that their plays could be performed at all, Ostrowski also had constant financial worries. Ostrowski's idea was to create a sophisticated repertoire of original Russian pieces. On January 1, 1886 Ostrowski was finally appointed head of the program department of the Moscow theaters and director of the theater school, but he died that same year.
Ostrowski is considered a master of comedy. Pieces like being clever don't protect against folly or poverty is not a vice are still considered two of the most influential Russian comedies to this day. Ostrowski was also a major influence on Lev Tolstoy , who watched many Ostrowski comedies at a young age.
Leoš Janáček's opera Káťa Kabanová (1919–1921) is based on Ostrowski's drama Gewitter .
Sergej Eisenstein produced the short film Glumow's Diary in 1923 for an adaptation of Ostrowski's play Eine Dummheit macht Even the Smartest , in which he uses various movements to transform Glumow, a character from Ostrowski's play, into his various roles.
Dramas (selection)
title | Publishing year | Original title |
A family picture | 1847 | Семейная картина |
It stays in the family | 1850 | Свои люди - сочтёмся |
A young man's morning | 1850 | Утро молодого человека |
The poor bride | 1852 | Бедная невеста |
Don't sit in someone else's sledge | 1853 | Не в свои сани не садись |
Poverty is not a vice | 1854 | Бедность не порок |
Don't live the way you want | 1854 | Не так живи, как хочется |
The bitter rest at the strange party | 1856 | В чужом пиру похмелье |
A lucrative position | 1856 | Доходное место |
Holiday dream before dinner | 1857 | Праздничный сон - до обеда |
When the characters don't go together | 1858 | Не сошлись характерами! |
The foster daughter (also: when cats play, mice have to cry ) | 1859 | Воспитанница |
An old friend is better than two new ones | 1860 | Старый друг лучше новых двух |
thunderstorm | 1860 | Гроза |
Where your own dogs fight, a stranger stays away | 1861 | Свои собаки грызутся, чужая не приставай |
What one looks for, he finds ( Balsaminov's marriage ) | 1861 | За чем пойдёшь, то и найдёшь (Женитьба Бальзаминова) |
Kosma Sacharjitsch Minin-Suchoruk | 1862 (first version), 1866 (second version) | Козьма Захарьич Минин-Сухорук |
Sin and hardship are for everyone | 1863 | Грех да беда на кого не живёт |
Heavy days | 1863 | Тяжёлые дни |
The jokers | 1864 | Шутники |
A visited place (also: thieves and love ) | 1865 | На бойком месте |
The abyss | 1866 | Пучина |
The false Demetrius and Vasily Shuisky | 1867 | Дмитрий Самозванец и Василий Шуйский |
Even the cleverest does something stupid (also: being clever does not protect against folly ) |
1868 | На всякого мудреца довольно простоты |
A hot heart | 1869 | Горячее сердце |
Great money (also: crazy money ) | 1870 | Бешеные деньги |
The forest | 1871 | Лес |
Every day is not a Sunday | 1871 | Не всё коту масленица |
First not a penny and now a thaler | 1872 | Не было ни гроша, да вдруг алтын |
Snowflake | 1873 | Снегурочка |
Late love | 1873 | Поздняя любовь |
Honestly earned bread | 1874 | Трудовой хлеб |
Wolves and sheep | 1875 | Волки и овцы |
Rich brides | 1876 | Богатые невесты |
The last victim | 1878 | Последняя жертва |
Girl without dowry (also: bad part ) | 1878 | Бесприданница |
The troubled wives | 1881 | Невольницы |
Talents and admirers | 1881 | Таланты и поклонники |
The handsome man | 1882 | Красавец мужчина |
The innocent guilty | 1884 | Без вины виноватые |
Not from this world | 1885 | Не от мира сего |
Film adaptations
- 1965: who marries whom? ( Женитьба Бальзаминова )
- 1984: A Bitter Romance ( Жестокий романс )
Web links
- Literature by and about Alexander Nikolajewitsch Ostrowski in the catalog of the German National Library
- Biography of Alexander Ostrowskis (Russian)
- Erich Wendt : TO Ostrowskij. Foreword in: A. N. Ostrowskij: Dramatic works in 4 volumes. Volume 1, pp. 7-19. Berlin: Aufbau-Verlag 1951.
- Aleksandr Ostrovsky. In: Reinhard Lauer : History of Russian Literature. From 1700 to the present. 2nd, revised and supplemented edition. Munich: Beck 2009. pp. 302-306.
Individual evidence
- ↑ Aleksandr Nikolayevich Ostrovsky. In: Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved August 18, 2018 .
personal data | |
SURNAME | Ostrowski, Alexander Nikolajewitsch |
ALTERNATIVE NAMES | Ostrovskij, Aleksander Nikolaevič; Ostrowskij, Aleksander Nikolaevič; Островский, Александр Николаевич (Russian) |
BRIEF DESCRIPTION | Russian playwright |
DATE OF BIRTH | April 12, 1823 |
DATE OF DEATH | June 14, 1886 |
Place of death | Shchelykovo |