Weckers Heideteich

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Weckers Heideteich

Weckers Heideteich is a natural monument in the area of ​​the Paderborn district of Sande . It has a size of about 0.5 hectares .

Location and description

Weckers Heideteich is located in the middle of the Sander Bruch, about 300 m northwest of the Wüseke farm. While the natural monument is bounded in the north by Sander Bruch-Straße, the former route of the Sennelager-Ostenland railway line marks the southern border of the area. Contrary to what the name suggests, however, it is not an artificially created body of water, but a heather pond that was probably created by blowing out wind . It once contained oligotrophic water and dries out completely almost every summer.

Flora and vegetation

In the 1960s the area still had floating leaf societies, wet heaths and raised bog societies. With the rosemary heather ( Andromeda polifolia ) and the sheathed cottongrass ( Eriophorum vaginatum ), two typical raised bog species occurred at that time , which prove the former lack of nutrients in the area. Over time, the pond grew more and more over with willow bushes . There was a gradual eutrophication of the area from the adjacent arable land , which ultimately led to a large-scale displacement of the typical heather and bog vegetation. Today, plant species dominate that tend to be bound to a medium nutrient content. In 1989/90 extensive maintenance measures were carried out in the area and most of the willow bushes were removed. In addition, the topsoil was partially removed and the pond deepened. This enabled a number of rarer species such as the bell heather ( Erica tetralix ) and the mean sundew ( Drosera intermedia ) to spread or settle again.

The numerous floristic features of the area include or were:

Brown sedge ( Carex nigra )

Fever clover ( Menyanthes trifoliata ), still in 1991, then extinguished

Gray sedge ( Carex canescens ), according to Ottenströer in 2007

Middle sundew ( Drosera intermedia ), still 2007

Rosemary heather ( Andromeda polifolia ), long extinct

Vaginal cottongrass ( Eriophorum vaginatum ), extinguished

Beaked Sedge ( Carex rostrata ), still 2007

Marsh skullcap (Scutellaria galericulata)

Pennywort ( Hydrocotyle vulgaris ), 2007

White water lily ( Nymphaea alba ), extinguished


Numerous species of dragonflies have been found in the area, including (according to Ottenströer 2009) the following Red List species : Banded demoiselle , brown damsel , shiny damsel and little damsel . Formerly belonged water rail , moorhen , mallard and reed bunting to breeding birds.


  • Paul Graebner: The flora of the Paderborn area. Paderborn 1964
  • Oliver Ottenströer: Concept development for a biotope network in the cultural landscape “Sander Bruch” - Paderborn Senne with a focus on dragonflies and amphibians (BACHELOR WORK). Osnabrück 2009 ( PDF )
  • Mark Saletzki: The vegetation conditions of the natural monuments “Piepenbrink” and “Weckers Teich” (Paderborn district). In: 33rd report by the Natural Science Association for Bielefeld and the surrounding area for 1991. Bielefeld 1992, pages 349–368
  • Mark Saletzki: On the development of the vegetation in the natural monument "Weckers Heideteich" (Paderborn district) since 1991. In: Natur und Heimat, 61st year (2001), page 65

Web links

Commons : Weckers Heideteich  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

References and comments

  1. after Graebner, Pflanzenwelt der Paderborn area , page 94
  2. after Graebner, Pflanzenwelt , page 79
  3. Reinhold Weimann: Birds of the wetlands of the Senne. In: Contributions to the ecology of the Senne, part 1. Reports of the Natural Science Association for Bielefeld and the surrounding area (special issue). Bielefeld 1978, page 182

Coordinates: 51 ° 46 ′ 27.4 "  N , 8 ° 40 ′ 48"  E