Alarm clock

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Prepared wake-up work with potatoes and pickles (mayor's style)

Weckewerk is a sausage specialty that is native to Northern Hesse and Eichsfeld (here as a Weckewurst). It is made from boiled rinds and minced meat as well as pork broth or sausage broth , occasionally boiled pieces of meat, blood and innards are added. The sausage is stretched with stale rolls, which give the Weckewerk its name: "Wecke" or "Wegge" is the traditional name for rolls in Hessen. It is seasoned with onions, salt, pepper, marjoram , regionally also with caraway , clove pepper and garlic. The ingredients are turned through the meat grinder and mixed. Weckewerk can be eaten in this form or filled in pork intestines (Weckewurst) in the kitchen. For longer storage, it is preserved in jars or cooked in large-caliber artificial casings.

Weckewerk or Weckwurst sausage is eaten cold or fried in the pan. Since the former Lord Mayor of Kassel Philipp Scheidemann liked the Weckewerk almost burnt, this form of preparation is also called after the mayor 's style.

Frequent side dishes are jacket potatoes and pickled cucumber , beetroot or a green salad with a sour sauce .

In addition to the Ahlen Wurscht , liver sausage, cooked sausage and blood sausage, the Weckewerk is one of the standard products of traditional home slaughter in Northern Hesse and Eichsfeld. Originally it was intended as a form of leftover recycling, because this way the less noble parts of a pig could also be used.


  • Action group for traditional meat and sausage specialties e. V. (ed.): Traditional meat products from Hesse and Thuringia . Frankfurt am Main 1998, ISBN 3-924103-17-8 .