Sausage broth

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Sausage stock preparation for home slaughter
Sausage broth at home slaughter

Sausage broth or sausage soup (also Metzelsuppe or Greddelbrühe , in Bavaria also Brittsuppe ) is the broth that is created in the production of boiled and cooked sausage . At the traditional slaughter festival, meat and liver were cooked in the same kettle before the sausages , which - especially if the sausages burst later - a strong broth was created that formed the basis for bread soup , for example .

Word origin

The word slaughter , attested since the 15th century, is borrowed from macellare ( Middle Latin: slaughter). It was first used for battles , then from the 16th century for slaughter in combat and finally in the 18th century for bloodbath (slaughter). The Brothers Grimm found one of the earliest written mentions of the term Metzelsuppe in the humoresque Von Deß Esels Adel. And the sow triumph: a very nice, funny and lovely description from 1617.

The Brothers Grimm found the word sausage broth in a German-Italian dictionary from 1616, while the term sausage soup appeared in a script from 1646/1653.


The much thinner sausage broth that arises in butchers' sausage production is normally not used, but in times of need it played an important role as a substitute for meat broth. During the Second World War, for example, sausage broth was available without food stamps and it remained popular in the post-war period. A typical recipe from the time adds turnips , potatoes , flour and breadcrumbs to a filling stew . Today sausage broth is rarely available from butchers who make sausage themselves.


In the Palatinate , in parts of Hesse , Baden-Württemberg , in Franconia , Saxony, Thuringia and in southern Saxony-Anhalt, where the sausage soup is sometimes called Metzelsupp (e) or Kesselupp (e) or Worschtsupp (e), it is also used Still offered today when rural inns hold a slaughter festival. It is the soup that is made in the kettle in which the liver sausages , blood sausages and sausages, usually also corrugated meat , are cooked. It used to be customary for a family who organized a slaughter to give all their neighbors a gift of butcher soup, which they picked up in milk cans. Because one of the blood sausages almost always bursts (if not, help is given) the butcher's soup almost always contains blood sausage flakes. An old custom from the Upper Palatinate is driving sausage soup .

Giving away items to neighbors was also common in some other regions of Germany, for example meat and sausage soup was given away in Swabia , meat and sausage broth in Oldenburger Land (Lower Saxony) and sausage soup in Thuringia and Saxony .


The poet Ludwig Uhland wrote a butcher's soup song.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Schmeller: Bavarian Dictionary . tape 1/1 , col. 374 .
  2. ^ Bibliographisches Institut, Dudenredaktion (ed.): Duden, the dictionary of origin: Etymology of the German language . 5., rework. Edition. Dudenverlag, Mannheim 2014, ISBN 978-3-411-04075-9 , pp. 560 .
  3. ^ Georg Friedrich Messerschmid: Von Deß Esels Adel. And the Saw Triumph: A very nice, funny and lovely description . Griphangno Fabro-Miranda, 1617, p. 116 ( ).
  4. a b butcher soup. In: Jacob Grimm , Wilhelm Grimm (Hrsg.): German dictionary . tape 12 : L, M - (VI). S. Hirzel, Leipzig 1885 ( ).
  5. Franz Martin Ravellin: Dictionarium Teutsch-Frantzösich-Italiänisch: Frantzösisch-Teutsch-Italiänisch: Italiänisch-Frantzösisch-Teutsch. Sampt a brief and necessary instruction in three languages, in the form of a grammatica. First published in two different parts by Weylandt Leuinum Hulsium… By Franciscum Macum Martinum auelluum von Meylandt, linguisten zu Heydelberg . by Erasmo Kempffern, published by Leuini Hulsij Wittibin, 1616, p. 422 ( ).
  6. Sausage soup. In: Jacob Grimm , Wilhelm Grimm (Hrsg.): German dictionary . tape 30 : WilbHyssop - (XIV, 2nd section). S. Hirzel, Leipzig 1960 ( ).
  7. Fons latinitatis bicornis ex optimorum probatissimorumque auctorum philologorum… rivulis scaturiens, e quorum uno, Thematum appellativorum; altero, Vocum propriarum, vera cognitio promanat: opus from Andrea Corvino… inchoatum; nunc vero a Johanne Georgio Schledero… in hanc formam digestum… 1653 ( ).