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Wenschet in hieroglyphics
Proper name

The she-wolf
1st title
M23 X1

S3.t-nsw.tn-ẖt = f the
physical daughter of the king

Wenschet is the name of an ancient Egyptian princess and priestess of the 4th dynasty .


It is unclear whose daughter Wenschet was. Since her grandson Kaaper , of whom an almost life-size statue made of sycamore wood has been preserved, can with some certainty be dated to the end of the 4th dynasty or the beginning of the 5th dynasty , it is assumed that Wenschet himself was around the second half of the 4th dynasty lived. Her husband is also unknown. On their false doors but their sons are Kameni and Ijmeri , and their daughters Meritites I. , Wehemnofret , Nisu and Tjenteti received. Kaaper is also shown.

Wenschet had high-ranking titles such as "the king's physical daughter" ( Sat-nesut-en-chetef ), "whose mistress" ( Meri-ef ), "mistress of the sycamore " ( Nebet-nehet ), " prophetess of the goddess Hathor " ( Hem -netjer -Hatheru ) and "prophetess of the goddess Neith " ( Hem-netjer-Neith ).


Wenschet was as in the G 4840 designated mastabah in the cemetery of Giza buried. Her grave was discovered on February 12, 1914 by George Reisner during his excavation campaign . The false door of Princess Wenschet belongs to this grave , today in the Roemer- und Pelizaeus-Museum Hildesheim (inventory no. 2971).


  • Michel Baud : Famille royale et pouvoir sous l'Ancien Empire égyptien. Tome 2 (= Bibliothèque d'Étude. Volume 126/2). Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale, Cairo 1999, ISBN 2-7247-0250-6 , pp. 437-438 ( PDF; 16.7 MB ).
  • Peter Der Manuelian : Slab Stelae of the Giza Necropolis (= Publications of the Pennsylvania-Yale Expedition to Egypt. Volume 7). Peabody Museum of Natural History of Yale University. New Haven / Philadelphia 2003, ISBN 0974002518 , pp. 104-107 ( PDF; 57.5 MB ).
  • Erika Feucht : The Child in Ancient Egypt. The position of the child in the family and society according to ancient Egyptian texts and representations . Campus, Berlin 1995, ISBN 359335277X , p. 454.
  • George Andrew Reisner : A History of the Giza Necropolis. Volume 1. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass. 1942, p. 500 ( PDF; 249.8 MB ).

Individual evidence

  1. ^ After Hermann Ranke : The Egyptian personal names . Vol. 1, Augustin, Glückstadt 1935, p. 80, No. 5. ( online as a PDF file ).