Wenzel Lustkandl

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Wenzel Lustkandl

Wenzel Lustkandl (born March 18, 1832 in Schönbach near Eger , † June 18, 1906 in Vienna ) was an Austrian politician and lawyer.


Lustkandl studied at the University of Prague Law and graduated in 1858 with the graduation to the Dr. jur. from.

The following year Lustkandl got a job as prefect at the Theresianum in Vienna . During this time he specialized in constitutional law and completed his habilitation in 1864 at the University of Vienna . In 1868 he was also the associate professor appointed.

From 1870 he was a member of the Vienna City Council. Three years later he represented the Austrian liberals as a member of the Lower Austrian state parliament . As such, he was instrumental in the introduction of the Reich Primary School Act in Lower Austria.

From 1878 to 1885, Lustkandl was a member of the Reichsrat as a member of the Liberals . In 1889 he was appointed state school councilor for Lower Austria. He held this office until 1898. In 1894 he reached another high point in his career when he was appointed full professor of Austrian constitutional law .

Wenzel Lustkandl died on June 18, 1906 in Vienna at the age of 70.

In 1885, Lustkandlgasse in Vienna- Alsergrund (9th district) was named after him. A street in St. Pölten also bears his name.


  • The Hungarian-Austrian constitutional law  : to solve the constitutional question; presented historically and dogmatically. Braumüller, Vienna 1863, OCLC 561242993 .
  • The essence of the Austrian imperial constitution. An academic inaugural address. Braumüller, Vienna 1864, OCLC 80826932 .
  • The emperor and king in Austria-Hungary. A. Hölder, Vienna 1895. (1st part: historical presentation. OCLC 78033992 )


  • Biographical data of Wenzel Lustkandl . In: Niederösterreichische Landtagdirektion (Hrsg.): Biographisches Handbuch des NÖ Landtag: 1861–1921. Lower Austria Landtag Directorate, St. Pölten, print: ISBN 3-85006-166-3 (as of January 1, 2005). Online version: PDF, 843 kB
  • Böck:  Lustkandl Wenzel. In: Austrian Biographical Lexicon 1815–1950 (ÖBL). Volume 5, Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Vienna 1972, p. 376 f. (Direct links on p. 376 , p. 377 ).
  • László Révész: Lustkandl, Wenzel . In: Mathias Bernath, Felix von Schroeder (Ed.), Gerda Bartl (Red.): Biographical Lexicon for the History of Southeast Europe . Volume 3. Oldenbourg, Munich 1979, ISBN 3-486-48991-7 , p. 61 f.

Web links

Commons : Wenzel Lustkandl  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b Local News. The honorary citizen of our spa town…. In:  Badener Zeitung , June 20, 1906, p. 3 (online at ANNO ).Template: ANNO / Maintenance / bzt